Vishvamitra asks for dog thigh from Chandala and Chandala stops him

After Yudhisthira was crowned as King of Hastinapur, Lord Krishna freed brilliant Bhishma from all of his sufferings prior to his death and asked him to relieve Yudhisthira from mourning over the lifeless Kshatriyas through the way of advising him on Dharma. Yudhishthira asked, “Bharatanandan! What will a brahmin do when there is a contravention of Dharma by all, the best religion is weakened, unrighteousness is accepted as a religion, all restrictions are destroyed, the religion of dharma is shaken, the king or Enemies begin tormenting the human beings, all the ashrams are overlooked, because of lust, greed and attachment appearing everywhere absolutely everyone ends up afraid, human beings do not trust anyone and start killing each other, everyone starts cheating among themselves, fire is set everywhere in the country, Brahmins suffer significantly, there is no rain, there is conflict and division among each other and all of the means of sustenance on earth goes underneath robbers? If the Brahmin objected to such and does no longer want to abandon his sons and grandsons out of mercy, then how can he make a living! While humans come to be sinful, in that state how ought to the king behave, in order that he is not said to be corrupted by Dharma and Artha?” In this regard, Bhishma told the conversation of a Chandala and one of the honoured sages out of seven great rishis or Saptarishis Vishvamitra. Let us know about it in brief.

Once there was no rain until the twelve years within the world. Tretayuga had nearly passed, it was the beginning of Dwapara, the population was increased plenty, for whom the rain stopped and it appeared like doomsday. Deity king Indra stopped the rain, Brihaspati seemed to Retrograde, the moon was distorted and it went on the south. There was no fog and no cloud in those days. The flow of rivers became very weak and many rivers had turned out to be invisible. Large lakes, streams, wells, and springs shrivelled there. Small reservoirs dried up completely. Due to water shortage, the poles were closed. Yajna and Svadhyaya or self-study of Vedas disappeared from the earth. There were no names of Vasatkara and auspicious works during any festivals. Farming and cow protection got ruined, Markets were closed. Organizing Yupa and yajnas had been quit. There were heaps of bones and cries of misery everywhere. Most of the city had emerged as desolated and villages and houses were burnt. Earth turned into devastation by means of the disturbance created through thieves, weapons, kings, and hungry people. Temples and Mathas were destroyed. Boys and old people had been dead, cows, sheep, goats were killed, and the hungry beings attacked each other. Brahmins were destroyed, Protectors were annihilated. Drugs (cereals and fruits and many others) additionally were destroyed. All the living beings were lamenting everywhere on earth. With the destruction of Dharma in this type of cruel time, the humans out of starvation started out ingesting each other. The worshipers of the sages relinquished the rules and Agnihotra, left their ashrams and rushed for food.

The wise Maharishi Lord Vishwamitra was hungry. He left agnihotra and his ashram, sent his spouse, sons to some community and started out wandering. One day he reached the location of violent Chandalas in the forest. There were rags and shards scattered all around, the weapons that pierced the skin of dogs were stored, broken bones of pigs and donkeys, rags and pitchers were lying. The garments that had been taken from the dead had been spread around and from there the Chandalas houses were decorated with the garlands of flowers taken from the lifeless bodies. The sound of chicken and the screeching of donkeys were echoing everywhere. Those Chandalas quarrelled among themselves with harsh words. There were many temples, inside which the owls' voices kept reverberating.

Maharishi Vishvamitra entered the territory on the lookout for food. He roamed from house to the house there begging, however, could not acquire any meat, grain, fruit, and so forth. Thinking about the disaster, Vishvamitra fell on earth in a Chandala's house due to his weakness. Now the sage began thinking about a good option to have the meals to keep away from dying in vain? Simply then he saw that in the Chandala's house a huge chunk of meat from the thigh of a dog which was killed through a sharp weapon lying there. Muni thought that he should steal that meat from there, Due to the fact at that time there was no other way to protect his life. As in line with Shastras, during the time of calamity with a view to protection own life, it is right for a brahmin to steal from the residence of a lowly guy. Robbery of meals from the residence of the lowly or a person similar to own status and additionally from an extra virtuous individual can be carried out via a Brahmins at some stage in the catastrophe. So he decided to steal the dog's thigh meat from the house of those Chandalas. He thought it would be much less guilty than taking alms from those Chandalas. Vishvamitra slept in the vicinity in which the Chandalas used to live when it was the middle of the night with deep darkness and all of the humans of the Chandala's house fell asleep, then he got up slowly and entered that Chandal's hut. The Chandala seemed to be asleep. His eyes were closed with mud; however, he was awake. He seemed rude.

Seeing the sage approaching for the meat, Chandala said, “thinking that all the Chandalas have fallen asleep, who then comes right here trying to take the dog's thigh? I haven't slept. You will be killed.” Whilst the merciless-tempered Chandala spoke, Vishvamitra got afraid of him. Disgrace arose on his face. Disturbed by means of his lowly karma he spoke back to the Chandala, “I am Vishwamitra. Out of hunger, I've come here. Chandala with excellent intellect! in case you see and recognize right then don't kill me.”

Listening to that from the excellent sage Vishvamitra of pure conscience, Chandala got up from his bed in a panic, went to him. While folding hands with respect tears came from his eyes. He asked the sage the reason for him coming there in the nighttime. Vishvamitra consoled the Chandala and said, “I am very hungry. I'm going to die so I will take the dog thigh. I've come down to commit this sinful act because of starvation. A hungry guy with a desire for food isn't always ashamed to do something. Hunger is tarnishing me, so I will take this dog's thigh. My hearing ability is getting destroyed. I've grown to be weak. My consciousness is getting vanished. So the idea of eatable and non-eatable isn't anymore in my mind now. I roamed around your houses and begged even when I could not acquire any, then simplest I thought of committing this sin. The fire god or Agni is the mouth of the gods, the priest. It receives the holy materials and is of great significance, according to the situation it became omnivorous, within the same manner I will be omnivorous; so that you religiously recognize me a brahmin only.”Read more about why Fire god engulfs everything..

Then the Chandala said to him, “Maharishi! listen to me and do such a thing, that won't ruin your religion. Wise men say that the dog is also inferior to a Jackal. Even in the dog's body, the thigh part is lowly. What you have determined is not right. It is highly condemned from the point of view of religion to steal Chandala's wealth, specifically any inedible substance. You have to consider other better manner to save your life. You ought to no longer destroy your penance through the the greed of flesh. You recognize the scriptural religion, so via you, it should not be ruined due to the fact you're considered the best among the righteous.”

Vishvamitra answered, “because of not getting food, I roamed everywhere for a long time, however did not get a way to keep my life. Whoever is starving, by way of whatever manner or by whatever action is possible, he should protect his life and then whilst practice Dharma. The religion of the Deity Indra is the same as the Kshatriyas. The virtue of Agnidev, which is regarded as Sarvabhakshitva, is just like the trait of Brahmins. My strength is the fire of Vedas. So I am hungry and I will devour everything. It is better to live than to die, due to the fact a living guy can practice Dharma again. That's why I've made the decision to devour this inedible substance too. You approve of it. Like the sun destroys the exceptional darkness, in the same way, I will improve myself once more via austerity and knowledge. Then all of the awful deeds will be gone.”

Chandala said, “no person can get age or life force from ingesting a dog's flesh. There's additionally no pleasure like having nectar. So you ask for some other alms. You need not go for eating dog meat. The dog is inedible to the Dwijs.” Vishvamitra said, “there's a hunger in the whole country therefore no other meat will be accessible. I do not have money to buy meals, here I'm in a terrible situation because of hunger. I'm helpless and disappointed. By way of consuming dog's flesh I can get the pleasure of Shadrasa (six taste in Ayurveda).”

Chandala said, “Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas have been told to consume five kinds of creatures with five nails in an emergency. In case you accept the scriptures as proof, then do not take your thoughts towards this.” Vishvamitra said, “The hungry Maharishi Agastya had eaten a demon named Vatapi. I'm in brilliant distress now; so I will without a doubt devour this dog's thigh.”Read more about Sage Agastya eating the demon Vatapi..

Chandala said, “you take some other alms. It is not right with the intention to receive it. If you want, take this dog's thigh; but I surely tell you should not consume it.” Vishvamitra said, “wise men are the one who has the tendency of religion. I comply with their ethics; therefore I will consume this dog's thigh like holy food.”

Chandala said, “If any sage man does improper work then it isn't considered as Sanatan Dharma. So don't do disgraceful karma right here. Don't be tempted to commit sin with any excuse.” Vishvamitra said, “no beneficiant sages do evil or any work that's condemned. dogs and deer being each animal are equal in my opinion. So I need to consume this dog's thigh.”

Chandala said, “Maharishi Agastya protected the brahmins by eating Vatapi eats in such a state where they had prayed him for doing this. otherwise, the demon would have eaten them all. Consequently, that work of Agastya sage was Dharma. Dharma is there in which there is not even the slightest sin. Brahmins are teachers; so all criteria have to be taken to protect them and their religion.” Vishvamitra said, “If Agastya had done this to defend the brahmins, I will also do this work for the sake of my friend. This brahmin's body is my friend which is very dear and respected to me. I need to take this dog's thigh to keep it alive, so I'm in no way afraid of such dastardly deeds.”

Chandala said, “good men give up their lives, however, they never consider eating inedible. It's why they get all their desires. So together with hunger you also fulfil your needs by way of fasting only.” Vishvamitra said, “what will happen after dying if one gives up his life through fasting is dubious; but doing so will spoil the virtues. Due to the fact, the body is the root of Dharma. so after saving my life, I will make an atonement with daily Vrat and Shama, Dama, and so on. So it's far vital to keep the root of Dharma; the basic body. consequently, I will devour this inedible substance. This dog's meat-eating can be eaten in two ways - one intelligently and thoughtfully and the opposite with ignorance and interest. There's an advantage in protecting the body which is the means of attainment of knowledge thru intellect and thought. In addition, it's also obvious to have a fault, I being engaged in the work with myth and attachment. Although I'm going to do that work with a doubt in my mind, however, I accept as true that I will not emerge as a Chandala like you via consuming this meat. By way of austerity, I will clear its faults.”

Chandala said, “it is a great sin for you to eat this dog's meat. You have to avoid it. This is my exact opinion, that is why I'm again and again rebuking you despite the fact that I am a sinner and a non-brahmin. It's a sly try for me to preach this Dharma to you.” Vishvamitra said, “notwithstanding the turrturing of the frogs, Cows drink water in reservoirs, much like your refusal I will nevertheless do that. There is no right for you to advise me on Dharma. Don't praise yourself.”

Chandala said, “I'm your well-wisher. I'm giving this recommendation of righteous behaviour best by means of being a sincere individual; due to the fact, I pity you. do not sin out of greed.”Vishvamitra said, “if you are my well-wisher and you wish for my happiness, then assist me in this calamity. I know my religion. You give me this dog thigh.”

Chandala said, “I can't provide you with this inedible flesh and can not even disobey you. After giving this to you, we both are going to hell.” Vishvamitra said, “even after doing this sinful act today If I will be alive, then I will carry out the rituals of the most Holy Dharma. With the aid of this, my body and mind will become pure and I will acquire the fruit of Dharma. Tell me which is the finest of those two - the following religion after getting life or giving up life by way of fasting.”

Chandala said, “This soul is a witness in regard to the work that's beneficial to a clan. You also understand the sin of eating the dog's flesh. Whoever appreciates eating the dog's flesh to be edible, for him nothing in this world is excluded.” Vishvamitra said, “there's a fault in taking this from you and ingesting this inedible thing, still, where there may be a possibility of death through not eating, exceptions are usually found within the scriptures. Wherein violence and untruth are not to blame, simplest a trace of blasphemy is the fault.”

Chandala said, “If this indecent thing in the shape of survival is crucial for you to devour. Then in your opinion, there is neither proof in Veda nor that of the ethics of wise guys. therefore, I see no fault in ingesting edible or inedible food like you have your desire for this meat.” Vishvamitra said, “within the scriptures, it doesn't appear like the one who eats inedible things commits a great sin similar to Brahma hatya. sure, drunk brahmin degenerates, that drink needs to be discarded. like different Karma is prohibited, so is inedible-ingesting. A common sin committed once in a while during catastrophe do not destroy the virtuous deeds carried out in life.”

Chandala said, “while a person desires to take a forbidden thing by an inappropriate action, from an unworthy place, and a condemned person is, his true behaviour prevents that knowledgable person from doing the same. Since you are wise and virtuous, One must stay away from such condemned karma; but he who insists on consuming dog meat with interest, again and again, he should additionally bear its punishment. there's no fault of me saying such.”

After saying so, Chandala did not refuse him anymore. Vishvamitra had already determined to take it; so he took the dog's thigh and went to the forest to consume alongside his spouse. Smply then the concept arose in his mind that, he could first offer this meat to the deities and after gratifying them than in keeping with his desire might consume it. He established fire by the Vedokta method, he cooked Charu for Indra and Agni. Then he started Devakarma and Pitrakarma. by invoking the deities like Indra and many others, respectively, he duly offered it. at the same time, Indra gave life to all the people by raining heavily and produced various kinds of food and medicines. incredible Vishvamitra also fasted for a long time and by doing penance, he burnt all his sins and achieved a great accomplishment. After finishing that karma, he satisfied the deities and ancestors, thereafter without tasting it, he received holy food through their grace and saved his life.

The learned man who wishes to keep his life, need to not be devastated via going in hazard and should discover a few solutions to keep himself from the situation. By taking the assist of this intellect, he should usually try and live. Someone who survives is capable of doing virtuous deeds, receives opportunities, and enjoys welfare. A learned guy ought to determine the dharma and adharma in this world by controlling his mind and taking shelter to his pure intellect and behave correctly.

Ref: Mahabharata Shanti Parva

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