Lord Krishna explains the Sixteen Kings' glory conversation of Narada and Srnjaya & about the monkey face curse of Narada to Yudhisthira 

Well, the story of Srnjaya and Narada was already defined to mournful Yudhishthira in Drona Parva by way of Sage Vyasa after the passing of Abhimanyu. In that tale Narada with an aim to console King Srnjaya not to grief over his lifeless son Suvarnasthibi stated approximately the huge contributions of sixteen incredible kings named King Marutta, Suhotra, Brihadratha, Shibi, Bharata, Lord Rama, Bhagiratha, Dilipa, Mandhata, Yayati, Ambarisha, Shashabindu, Gaya, Rantideba, Sagara, and Prithu who despite gaining heavenliness via their principled acts and by means of giving outstanding Dakshina, in the end died as well. On this Shanti Parva after the Mahabharata war, it's far explained with the aid of Lord Krishna to Yudhishthira to convince him not to mourn over the dead Kshatriyas including his sons; the Upapandavas and elder brother Karna, and to show him the right path of the Kings. Additionally, Narada then defined Yudhishthira as approximately giving life back to Suvarnasthibi. Right here on this put up we will not only realize approximately those sixteen kings in brief but also we will get to recognize the wedding of Narada and him getting the monkey face as per the curse of Parvata sage, which was skipped in Drona Parva. Let us know about it.

Narada and Parvata sage were once great sages. In relation, Parvata was Narada's nephew. Once whilst roaming around they came to earth from Devaloka and reached the kingdom of Srnjaya. Each of them was worshipped in the manner of the king. Srnjaya made preparations for their stay. After spending four months there, before their leaving, Parvata sage told to Narada that, they ought to do some favour to the king in return for his courteous welcomeness toward them in the kingdom. Narada then allowed his nephew to grant a boon to the king in keeping with his wish barring any violence for deities and humans. King Srnjaya after understanding this, requested Parvata sage that, "Lord! I desire to have a son who would be powerful, Long-lived, spiritual, fortunate, and superb just like Indra. " Parvata sage then answered to him that, "King! Your wish will come true. However, your son will not live long due to the fact that you have requested me with the intention of defeating Indra. Your son will be named Suvarnasthibi and will be stunning as Indra but you have to guard your son against Indra constantly. " King Srnjaya whilst trying to please Paravata sage requested him that, his son ought to be Long-lived as in line with the sage's Asceticism. But Parvata sage could not say any more at the same time as thinking about Indra. He asked the king no longer to be worried and advised him to recall the sage at the time of any hassle as the sage might then bring back his dead son from Yama. Srnjaya later had a son who spat out gold from his mouth accordingly was named Suvarnasthibi. His high-quality talent spread anywhere. Indra became aware of Suvarnasthibi who was blessed by Parvata sage. He was scared of his defeat and consequently continually looked for an opportunity to kill the boy. Indra then commanded his Vajra weapon to kill the boy in the shape of a furious tiger due to the reality that the boy could overcome Indra after growing up. One day that boy was playing with his Dhaya near the riverside of Ganga. Even though he was five years old at that point, he was courageous. At the same time as playing, he reached near the tiger. The tiger then killed the boy without delay and then vanished from there. Seeing his son lifeless there, King took him on his lap and began mourning for him. King then remembered Narada who seemed in front of him and tried to console him now not to grieve for his lifeless son via announcing that loss of life is sure and Kings who have been greater than King Srnjaya and his son additionally died. Then he elaborated the tale of sixteen kings to the king.

Narada said to Srnjaya that, "Srnjaya! Aviksit(Son of Karandhama) or Avikshit's son King Marutta or Maruta of the Ikshavaku dynasty also died after performing yajnas of excessive order. His sacrifice was carried out by Samvarta in defiance of Indra and Brihaspati. He defeated Indra with the radiance of his yajna. Because of the truth that Brihaspati denied performing the yajna, his younger brother Samvarta helped in the same. All through the rule of King Marutta, the earth used to look embellished with deities' garlands because it produced meals without farming. In his yajna, Visvedevas have become the individuals and Marudganas served the food. Marudganas consumed a lot of Somras there and the Dakshina that the king gave was greater than that of all of the Human beings and Gandharvas. Srnjaya! King Marutta was greater than you and your son in his religion, expertise, Glory, prosperity, and asceticism. Consequently, you should now not grieve over your dead son who had in no way done any yajna.

Srnjaya! King Suhotra too died. In the course of his rule, Indra once showered a rain of gold in his kingdom for one year even as being pleased with his hospitality. Earth in the name of Vasumati became purposeful after having Suhotra as the King. Rivers had been filled with gold. Indra those days showered many golden turtles, crabs, crocodiles, and fishes within the river too. King Suhotra was pleased with Deity King Indra. Kurujangala country became full of infinity gold. King Suhotra distributed all of the wealth acquired in the yajna among the Brahmins.

Srnjaya! Angadesh's king Brihadratha also died who was greater than you. During his yajna, he donated ten lahks of white horses and ladies decorated with gold jewellery and elephants decorated with golden garlands. Along with that, he additionally donated one crore cows, bulls, and servants all through his yajna. At the time while he was performing sacrifice rituals on the Vishnupada mountain, Indra consumed Soma out of being pleased with him and plenty of Brahmins were pleased after having the Dakshina. Brihadratha did masses of yajnas and the Dakshinas that he gave which included the seven soma samsthas, couldn't be ever given through the manner of any human beings and Gandharvas.

Srnjaya! King Shibi; son of Ushinara too died who dominated the entire earth and was greater than you. Even making loud sounds through his only superb chariot, he used to rule the earth in an ekachhatr shaasan. He donated especially cows equal to the whole variety of the complete animals that used to be in the world at that time including the entire of untamed animals during his Yajna. Lord Brahma in no way regarded any other person who could take the duties like King Shibi. He resembled Deity Indra. Read more about how Shibi once rescued a pigeon and ate his son..

Srnjaya! King Bharata; son of Dushyanta died who was greater than you in Sama, Dana, Danda, and Bheda technique and wealth, fame, religion, and know-how. In order to please all the deities, he did Ashvamedha yajna (horse sacrifice rituals) with three hundred horses at Yamuna riverside, Twenty at Sarasvati and Fourteen at Ganga riverside. He had achieved one hundred Ashvamedha and Rajasuya yajna in his entire existence. No kings on the complete earth matched his brilliant karmas. He sacrificed hundreds of horses at some point during the Ashvamedha yajna and donated a thousand golden lotus to Acharya Kambha. Read more about the love story of Dushyanta and Shakuntala..

Srnjaya! King (Lord) Rama; the Son of Dasharatha also died and used to deal with the people of his kingdom with mercy similar to how a father treats his very own sons. During his rule, there were no orphans and widows in his country. It rained flawlessly throughout that time and there was no shortage of food in any respect. Humans continually had plenty of auspicious times and no unfavourable period in any respect. Not a single individual in his state ever thought of ending his life, fire in no way burnt any location and there has been no sickness. Throughout his rule man and woman lived long for thousands of years, everyone's desires were fulfilled, no one ever had controversy, and all were fearless, trustworthy, and nonsecular. Throughout his era, trees were filled with plenty of fruits, and cows produced greater milk. Next to spending fourteen years of exile, as soon as he was given back his state, he did ten incredible Ashvamedha yajnas that astounded everybody. Not a single solicitor left without having his demands fulfilled in his sacrifice rituals. Lord Rama was young and of dusky colour. He had a few sorts of rosiness in his mesmerizing eyes. He was powerful similar to Gajaraja. His extremely robust arms reached up to his knee. He was charming and brave. He ruled Ayodhya for eleven thousand years.

Srnjaya! King Bhagiratha also died in whose incredible yajna, pleased Deity King Indra after ingesting Soma, defeated many furious demons. Bhagiratha gave ten lakhs of ladies embellished with gold ornaments in the course of his remarkable yajna. They all sat on one of kind beautiful chariots each pulled by four horses. Besides, there have been loads of elephants adorned with golden garlands and with lotus marks on their head, have been following those chariots. At the back of those elephants, hundreds of horses and cows along with calves have been walking too. On the time he stayed close to the Ganga riverside, Ganga once sat on his lap and for this reason, was regarded as Bhagirathi or Urvashi. She became the daughter of Yajaman Bhagiratha. Read more about how Bhagiratha brings down Ganga on Earth..

Srnjaya! King Dilipa; son of King Ilibila also died who once presented the entire earth to the Brahmins. He used to donate a thousand gold elephants to the Brahmins as Dakshina after his yajna. In his yajna, a huge first-rate Yupa was there embellished with gold. Indra and other deities remained in that Yupa in the course of his yajna. Six thousand Dev Gandharvas had been dancing within the circle made around that Yupa. No kings could follow his sophisticated way. Gold-adorned elephants used to sleep around the streets. Whoever had had a glance at King Dilipa attained heaven after his demise. From his palace loud voices of Svadhyaya of Vedas, Dhanush twang of incredible warriors, and calling out for 'give donations' in no way stopped.

Srnjaya! King Mandhata who was born from the left aspect of his father Yuvanashva's stomach with the help of Marudganas, too died. The wonderful conquerer Mandhata was born from a magic potion of Dadhimishrit (curd mix) ghee that was supposed to make the queen pregnant but turned into inebriated by way of Yuvanashva. At the time he was born from his father's abdomen, he was napping on his lap and resembled the son of deities. Deities were curious to know who could feed milk to that infant. Indra then stated that 'man Dhata' which means 'will drink mine'. He then put his finger in the little one's mouth and milk got out of it hence making him known as Mandhata. That toddler after drinking the milk grew to become out to be of twelve years old within twelve days. King Mandhata turned into an extremely pious and high-minded individual. He possesses strength just like Deity King Indra and conquered over the whole earth. He had defeated incredible kings like Angara, Marutta, Brihadratha, Ashita, and Gaya within the Warfield. At the time King Mandhata fought with King Angara Deities thought as if the complete sky might burst through the twang of his Dhanush. His kingdom spread from the region of the sunrise as much as wherein sunset. He finished a hundred Ashvamedha and Rajasuya sacrifices where he donated many golden Rohita named Matsyas to the Brahmins. The rest of those left after the Brahmins had obtained as Dakshina, had been then disbursed among the human beings of his kingdom. Read more about the birth of King Mandhata..

Srnjaya! King Nahusha's son Yayati additionally died who as soon as won the whole earth up to the ocean and set up lots of Vedis all over the earth for performing yajnas. He went around each of the vedis and did sacrifice rituals. He accomplished 1000 Srauta or Vedic yajnas and a hundred Vajapeya or soma yajna and gave 3 mountains of gold to the Brahmins as Dakshina. King Yayati had slain many demons by creating Vyuhs or arrays after which allotted the complete earth among his sons. He gave the locations close to the shorelines to his sons Yadu, Drihu, and Anu then crowned Puru as the king of his kingdom and left for the wooded area along with his wives. Read more about the marriage of Kshatriya king Yayati with Brahmin Devayani..

Srnjaya! Nabhaga's son King Ambarisha died and became recognized to be the protector of his kingdom's people. Out of affection for the direction of all of the Brahmins, he appointed different kings who had already performed ten thousand yajnas to serve those Brahmins. All of the Brahmins at the same time admiring King Ambarisha stated to him that neither any king has ever done this form of great yajna nor will anybody do it in the future. The overall range of these kings had been one lakh 10000 who served at that time. Those kings then as a reward for Ashvamedha sacrifices, went to Brahmaloka during the Uttarayan period or summer season solstice (An auspicious time for all good works like yajna, marriage, and also for demise).

Srnjaya! Chitraratha's son King Shashabindu also could not escape his death. He had one lakh other halves and ten lakh sons from all of them. All his sons have been skilful warriors. Each of them married hundreds of ladies separately. All the females in conjunction with themselves brought hundreds of Elephants, chariots, horses, cows, and calves to the dominion. Exquisite king Shashabindu donated all his enormous wealth to Brahmins in Ashvamedha yajnas.

Srnjaya! Amrutarya's son King Gaya too died who used to consume the remaining foods after the end of Homa for one hundred years. Pleased Agni once wished to provide him a boon. King asked him that, at the same time as donating his store of wealth may remain filled for eternal, the king may stay honest in gaining wealth and usually be truthful. God of fire agreed. After that king, again and again, completed Ashvamedha sacrifice rituals on Darshapurnamasa (sacrifice carried out on the new moon and full moon), Chaturmas (holy period of four months July to Oct) for 1000 years. Each morning he used to donate one lakhs of cows and hundreds of mules. By the manner of Somras, Wealth, Shraddha and Kama, he pleased the deities, Brahmins, Pitras, and his other halves respectively. King Gaya during the Ashvamedha yajna made fifty hands wide and a hundred hands length of golden earth and donated it as Dakshina. He gave cows an overall number of the sand grains that remain inside the Ganga River.

Srnjaya! Sankruti's son King Rantideva died who once wholeheartedly meditated to Indra that, they may have meals for always, serve guests, may in no way have much less willpower and no longer beg anything from anyone. Rantideva constantly followed tough Vrats consequently, all types of animals like cows or any wild animals used to appear for his sacrifice rituals. From the blood of sacrificed animals and cows Charma (skin), and Charmanwati (Chambal river) appeared there. King used to offer a hundred gold Nishk to each of the Brahmins after the yajna. All of the required materials for giving Ahuti had been made from gold. Visitors after staying one night within the kingdom used to obtain twenty thousand 100 cows from the king. The cook of the king used to prepare delicious meal items and serve them to those visitors.

Srnjaya! King Sagara of the Ikshavaku dynasty additionally died who used to have wonderful courage. Whenever he went to war, his sixty thousand courageous sons used to comply with him in the Warfield. Via his Ekachatra Shasan, he triumphed over the whole earth. He pleased all of the deities by doing one hundred of Ashvamedha. King Sagara created one surprising golden palace and donated it to the Brahmins alongside many pricey materials after his yajna. All the wealth was distributed amongst the Brahmins according to his command. Out of anger, he dug up the whole ocean and for this reason, the ocean was named 'Sagara' then.

Srnjaya! Vena's son King Prithu also died who was once crowned as the king by the manner of Maharishis together inside the wooded area. Sages while figuring out to set up Dharma in all Lokas, named him Prithu. He used to relieve (tran) everyone from their (Kshat) pain and sorrow and consequently emerged as the Kshatriya. All the humans were attached to him, therefore, making him their king. During his rule, there were plenty of meals without even farming the earth, trees were stored with sweetness and cows gave a lot of milk. People of his kingdom have been healthful and they could even stay fearlessly in their homes in addition to in their farms. Whenever King Prithu travelled through the ocean and river, its water used to be frozen and still. His chariot's dhwaja never broke. In his Ashvamedha sacrifice, King Prithu donated four hundred hands a long total of twenty-one gold mountains to the Brahmins.

After mentioning approximately these kings, Narada advised Srnjaya that splendid kings like these too died even after performing many yajnas whereas his son had by no means completed a single ritual. Then Srnjaya was relieved from his grief. Narada then after taking the permission of Indra blessed the king by making his son alive. He was named Hiranyanabha and was granted by Narada to stay til the age of one thousand years. Srnjaya's son later carried out many exceptional sacrifice rituals, Gave lots of Dakshinas, and pleased Deities, Pitras, and Brahmins. So this was how Suvarnasthibi was made alive by Narada again after the honour of 16 kings was explained to Srnjaya.

Once Narada and Parvata each kept one condition to each other, whatever resolution would come to their mind, they needed to express it to each other and no longer hide it otherwise they would get cursed for being liars. Then they reached the dominion of Srnjaya. One day King introduced his alluring and courteous daughter Sukumari to both of them after which asked her to serve them just like deities and Pitras. Narada was consumed by means of lust after seeing her splendour and manners. Out of disgrace, he could not share his intention with Parvata. But Parvata could comprehend this from his asceticism and the attempts of his uncle. Therefore he turned out to be indignant and cursed him, "We had taken oath to not to hide any of our emotions to each other but you made it false. At the time you wished to be intimate with the daughter of Srnjaya, you didn't share your thoughts with me. Regardless of being a celibate, Brahmin, Ascetic, you broke your promise consequently I curse you that, after your marriage with this woman, you'll have a monkey face and your genuine face will now not be regarded. "

Enraged Narada then cursed back his nephew, "No matter being an Ascetic, celibate, truthful, having managed over your passion and being religious you will not be capable of going to heaven. " Then out of anger, they each went in separate ways. Parvata Sage roamed around the earth as a glorious sage. On the opposite aspect, Narada was married to Sukumari daughter of Srnjaya. As soon as Vedic mantras were used in his marriage, his face began taking the form of a monkey due to the curse. However, Sukumari didn't consider it and increased her love closer to him each day. Even after looking at other guys or any Yakshas, sages, and deities, she in no way thought of any of them as her husband in her mind.

At some point, Parvata sage in some way reached inside a secluded forest and saw Narada there. He offered his prayers and asked for his permission to depart for heaven. Seeing Parvata sage with folding hands, Narada also told him in a depressing way that, in response to the curse of Parvata sage of letting Narada himself have a monkey face, he additionally cursed him not to attain heaven that Parvata did not deserve no longer going to heaven as he was almost just like Narada's son. Then they both took their curse back. Narada got back his stunning face like before. After seeing the deity-like face of Narada, Sukumari ran far away from him while assuming him to be someone else. Parvata sage convinced her about Narada being his husband only by explaining to her about their curses. Then Parvata sage went to heaven and Narada returned to Sukumari's vicinity.

Ref: Mahabharata book

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