Virochanakumar Bali talks about Kaal to Deity King Indra and Goddess Laxmi leaves Bali and goes to the Deities

After Yudhisthira was crowned as King of Hastinapur, Lord Krishna freed amazing Bhishma from all of his sufferings before his death and asked him to relieve Yudhisthira from mourning over the dead Kshatriyas by the way of advising him on Dharma. Yudhishthira requested his pitamaha to tell him with what intelligence any Bhupal could roam on this planet, who would have emerged as corrupted Rajalakshmi and had been overwhelmed by the punishment of Kaal. Bhishma in response to the Abhyudaya-Parabhava gave an example to Yudhishthira of ancient records within the form of discussion among Virochanakumar Bali and deity king Indra and why did Goddess Laxmi depart the demons. Allow us to understand it in brief.

In the past, after the war of Devasura, after the demons were over, Lord Vishnu in the form of Vamana measured the three worlds with his feet and when Indra, who accomplished a hundred yajnas, became the king of the deities, the deities were worshipped everywhere. The human beings of the four classes started out living in their respective religions. The three worlds began to rise and seeing each person happy, swayambhu Lord Brahma became very satisfied. Indra, having won over all of the demons, went to grandfather Brahma and with folded hands, he bowed down and asked, “Lord! Where does Bali live? He, whose wealth was never empty at the same time as donating, I am now not able to discover that king Bali, even after attempting to find him. That king Bali could walk as wind, rain as Varuna, make light as sun and moon, heat all beings like fire and quench absolutely everyone's thirst by becoming water. At the same time, by leaving laziness, he could shine in all directions, could set and rain. I'm now not able to find that person even after looking. You tell me the address of king Bali.” Lord Brahma said, “Maghavan! It is not a good thing for you that you are asking me for the address of Bali. One should not lie when asked, that's why I'm telling you the precise address. In a void house, Any best living being that is available in camel, cow, gardabha or equine animals, consider him as Bali.” Indra then asked Lord Brahma if he would meet king Bali in the solitary house, should he kill him or now not. Brahma stated to him that Bali didn't deserve to be slaughtered, but, he could ask him about fair treatment at will.

At the order of Lord Brahma, Devaraj Indra mounted on his gajraja named Airavata, who was embellished with four lovely teeth and was endowed with divine beauty, went out to visit the three worlds. At that time Trilokinath was surrounded by way of Indra, Rudra, Vasu, Aditya, Ashwini Kumar, rishis, Gandharvas, Nagas, Siddhas and Vidyadhars etc. Even as roaming around, they reached the seashore at some point. There he noticed Virochanakumar Bali in a mountain cave as told by Lord Brahma, who hid in the guise of a gardabha. Seeing him standing fearless and without formlessness, Indra said to him like this, “demon! Why do not you sense pain on seeing the prosperity of your enemy? Do you not grieve through bravery or by way of serving elders or due to the fact your moral sense is purified by penance? For an ordinary man, this patience is certainly the maximum difficult. You are in the power of your enemies and degraded by way of the kingdom- in such a deplorable state, by which force do you not grieve? , you had attained the very best position among your caste-brethren and had occupied the most excellent and exceptional pleasures; however right now your gems and kingdom have been seized. In the beginning, you had grown to be the deities of the three worlds by sitting in the kingdom of your forefathers. Now that kingdom was snatched by your enemies; why don't you feel sad even after seeing this? You had been tied by Varuna’s loop, wounded with a thunderbolt, your spouse and money have been additionally caught, your Rajalakshmi has been destroyed and you have lost your wealth. Who apart from you could show enthusiasm to live to tell the tale even after the kingdom of the three worlds is destroyed? Demon! You're consuming the husk by falling into the donkey's yoni. You have attained this lowly yoni. Do you sense sorry for this or not? These days I am seeing your circumstance which was never visible earlier. You have fallen into the hands of your enemies. You have emerged as inferior to Rajalakshmi and friends and your strength might have been destroyed. Earlier you used to give heat to all of the humans surrounded by your companions and kindred brothers and used to travel without thinking about the deities. All the demons used to live below your rule, waiting for your face. For your kingdom, the earth produced grain without ploughing it. However nowadays this hassle has come upon you. Do you grieve for this or now not? How must have been your state of mind at the time when you lived on the east bank of the ocean enjoying diverse pleasures and dispensing wealth for your brothers and sisters? You have spent a few years in the vihara, decorated with Rajalakshmi. At that time, thousands of Goddesses of golden brilliance, who were embellished with all of the Padma garlands, used to dance in front of you. There was a time, whilst above you stood a huge gold-plated umbrella, and six thousand Gandharvas performed their dancing in front of you, singing songs in seven Swaras. Even as performing the yajna, the very massive valuable pillar of your yajna mandap was made completely of gold. While you used to donate ten crore cows thousands of times constantly, daityaraj! What thoughts must have been bobbing up to your mind at that point? While you had circumambulated the whole earth even as acting the yajna via the approach of Shamyakshepa, how much enthusiasm must have been in your heart at that point? Now I don't See a gold plate with you, I see neither an umbrella nor a cloak, and even that divine garland given by Lord Brahma isn't visible around your neck.”

Listening to these and many different harsh things, Indra despised Bali. Virochanakumar Bali listened to the awful things with remarkable pleasure and without bringing any panic in his mind, answered him, “Indra! When I have been taken prisoner well by means of enemies or Kaal, then what will be the benefit to you through making such exaggerated things in front of me? I see, these days you are standing in front of me lifting the thunderbolt but earlier you probably did not have the power to do so. Now by some means, the power has arrived. Who else can say this type of cruel word besides you? The one who, in spite of being powerful, shows mercy to a brave enemy who is in his hands, good people consider him to be an Uttam purush. While a dispute and warfare break out between individuals, then there's no fact as to who will win. One of them wins and the other is defeated. Don't you think that it is your strength and might via that you had gained over me. These days which you are thus endowed with royalty or we who've reached this humble state, all this has neither been done by way of you nor ours.

The stupidity you have proven here is astounding to me. You're the king of the deities. You do not deserve to mention something that hurts others like this. About which gems you're asking me hidden in the cave. Right now you're wealthy and my prosperity is long gone, in this sort of state that you need to sing your praises in front of me, it isn't in accordance with your family and reputation. The ones whose mind is pure and those who're glad about expertise, those who are forgiving, sages, do no longer grieve once they suffer and additionally do not grow with joy whilst prosperity is achieved. You are self-praising in front of me because of your impure intelligence. While you will be in a scenario like mine, then you may no longer be able to say the sort of thing.”

Having said this, hissing like a snake, Indra laughed again to indicate his excellence and said, “demon king! Formerly, surrounded by lots of vehicles and brothers and sisters, you used to torment all of the worlds and tour without thinking about the deities. In the past you had subdued all of the worlds and attained unmatched happiness; but right now in the external world, you have got had this awful fall, considering all this, do you feel unhappy or not?” Bali stated, “Indra! The Kalachakra is changeable by nature, through it I can change the whole lot here. Due to the fact this whole global is perishable, all these our bodies of beings are incurable. This is why I by no means grieve. I've also not received this body from any corruption.

Life and body both arise at birth, grow together and die at the same time I'm no longer compelled even after having this body. After I consequently realize the impermanence of the body and the incompatibility of the soul, knowing this then what could hurt me? Indra! Just as the sea is the final refuge of the waters, so the remaining motion of the body is dying. Men who realize this thoroughly, by no means fall in desire. People who are under the influence of passion and attachment do not know this very well and whose intellect is destroyed, they're very unhappy once they fall in trouble. One that attains good intellect, that person destroys all sins through that intellect.

While he's free from sin, he attains the quality of sattva, and is situated within the mode of sattva, he attains Sattvik happiness. Those slow-witted people who're corrupted by the quality of sattva, they are born again and again in this world and are usually inspired by each lust, anger and so on. I do now not wish for financial achievement, life and glad outcomes, nor do I envy the outcomes of misfortune, demise and sorrow, the person who kills someone, he himself, being dead, kills only the dead. One that kills and the one who's killed, each of them does not realize the soul (due to the fact the soul is neither the act nor the doer of the killing process). Everybody who takes pride in his manhood by killing or conquering someone is not definitely the doer of that effort. Due to the fact the one who's the doer of the world, the one who's the supreme soul, he is the doer of that action also, who does both the destruction of the entire world and the creation? It's far completed by the actions of all beings and it's also intended by someone else (God). Earth, water, fire, air and space are the causes of the bodies of all beings. So what is the need for mourning and lamentation for them? Whether or not a person is a great scholar or a little learned, strong or weak, stunning or unpleasant, lucky or unfortunate, a critical period absorbs all by its own brilliance. Consequently, being subject to all of them, what can be the pain of me, who is aware of the fleetingness of the world? Whom Kaal has already killed, the same is killed through someone else. Which has already been destroyed. The same thing is destroyed by a person and the individual that is obvious to get it, that person takes possession. Even after thinking a lot, I am not able to look at the end of the divine creator Kaal. His move is nowhere to be seen. In this solitary residence, you have come here knowing me to devour husk, taking the form of a hornet and blaspheming me. If I want, I will reveal many such terrible forms, seeing which you'll run away from me. Indra! It is Kaal that receives everything, It is Kaal who gives the whole lot and it's far Kaal who has executed the whole thing. In the past, when I was indignant, the whole world used to get upset. This global every now and then increases and from time to time decreases. This is its eternal nature. I know this thoroughly you furthermore may look at the world on this manner. Domination and influence aren't subject to us. Your thoughts are now like that of an infant as earlier than.

One day the Deities, humans, ancestors, Gandharvas, and the demons were all under me. My enemies, taking refuge in me, being interested in their intellectual hatred, used to mention that in the direction wherein Virochanakumara is, our salutations are also there. I do now not grieve in any respect for my downfall, it is the determination of my intellect that I am constantly under the control of God, the ruler of all. A majestic man born in a high family is seen living an unhappy life along with his ministers, he had the same destiny. A foolish man born in a low caste, born of misconduct, is seen leading a happy lifestyle along with his ministers. A woman who has a great demeanour is seen as a widow, and the alternative kulakshana and an unpleasant lady are seen as saubhagyavati.

I'm in this situation at the moment and karma is being done by this body of mine, all this isn't carried out by me. Prosperity and poverty (in keeping with Prarabdha) come alternately. I see that presently you are elevated to the position of Devarajan. You are sitting in your radiant and shining form. And roaring at me again and again. But if Kaal had not attacked me like this and rode on my head, I'd have thrown you on this planet by just punching you even though I am not carrying a thunderbolt these days. But this isn't the time for me to show my might, but the time has come for me to remain calm. It's far Kaal that sustains everybody by means of establishing them in specific states and Kaal simplest weakens everyone.

One day I was worshipped by Danaveshwara and I also used to roar and unfold my majesty everywhere. Whilst I am also attacked by way of Kaal, then on whom will he not assault? Devarajan! All of you, who are called the twelve mahatma Adityas, I on my own had kept the glory of all of you. I used to turn out to be the sun and lift the water of the earth with my rays and rain like a cloud. I used to provide warmth to Triloki and spread light by turning it into energy. I used to guard human beings from robbers. I continually gave charity and used to do it from the people. I used to be the ruler of all the worlds and being the Lord, I used to keep absolutely everyone under the guideline of restraint, today that sovereignty of mine has ended. All that opulence of mine is not being demonstrated now. Kaal alternately consumes all the world according to its wish. The Vedavetta purush says that the month and the paksha are the abode or body of Kaal. Day and night are its coverings or clothes. The seasons are the door or thoughts-sense and the year is the mouth. That time is like age. Some scholars say with the power of their minds that all this is Kaal Sangyak-Brahman. That Kaalrupa Brahman is as deep and deep as an ocean filled with limitless waters. It has no beginning or end. He has been defined as Kshara and Akshara. Those who are Tatvdarshi, they without a doubt believe that - the Kaal-form para brahman himself, being formless, also enters the soul within all beings. It is Lord Kaal who changes the kingdom of all beings. No one can recognize his greatness. A man cannot do anything after being defeated through the dignity of Kaal. Wherein will you move without achieving the Kaal that is the momentum of all beings? A man cannot go away it even by walking - he can not cross far from him, nor can he get out of his clutches by way of status. All the senses like listening to etc. Are not capable of perceiving that duration inclusive of five distinctions, month-paksha and many others. A few people name him Agni and a few Prajapati. Different human beings name Kaal as season, month, paksha, day, moment, foram, noon and midday. This is also known as the learned purush muhurta. Despite being one, its miles are said to be of many types. The complete world is beneath him.

Shachipati Indra! With power and might as you are, many thousand Indras have ended. You consider yourself to be the most powerful and mighty devraj; however, the potent Kaal will pacify you too. You, me and our ancestors even can't even violate the obedience of Kaal. You, having attained this supremely perfect Rajalakshmi, know that it will remain with you in a constant state, your perception is false because it does no longer live tied in one place. Indra! This Lakshmi has lived with thousands of men higher than you. At this time this mischievous has left me and gone to you. Now don't behave like this again. You must imbibe peace. Understanding your situation like mine, this Lakshmi soon will visit a person else.

And as you are these days, I was once the same, at the time wherein we're lying, from time to time you'll be within the same situation; therefore, do not insult me ​​by thinking that I've done a totally difficult feat. Every man receives happiness and sorrow in turn. Indra! You have also attained Indrapada not by way of your might, however with the aid of Kaal. Kaal is taking me towards terrible times and displaying your good days. The service of parents, worship of the deities and different virtuous behaviour aren't fascinating to a man in horrific days. Neither knowledge, nor austerity, nor charity, nor friends nor brothers and sisters can save a person who's tormented by Kaal. People cannot prevent the coming calamities even after struggling with loads of blows by any means other than the power of the mind. No person can shield those who are hurt through Kaal. You who consider yourself to be the doer of this case, that is a matter of sorrow for you. If the person doing the work himself was the doer there would in no way have been anyone else who created it. It's far created via others. This is why there is no different doer besides Kaal. With the help of Kaal, I conquered you and now you have defeated me with the assist of the same. Simplest Kaal accompanies the living beings or gives them the strength to move and it destroys all of the people. Your intellect is straightforward; this is why you do now not recognize your destruction that will truly occur someday or the other thru him.

There are a few people inside the globe who consider you to have attained excellence by your personal might and provide you with more importance. But a person like me who knows the nature of the world, the cause of progress and downfall is Kaal-Prarabdha. Someone who's suffering from Kaal can become bereaved, bewildered. Be it me or is there some other man like me, whilst he is encroached upon by way of Kaal (Prarabdha), his intellect is constantly in danger and becomes like a broken boat. Even though today you are so insolent and are igniting very brightly; but whilst times alternate, that is, when your destiny is bad, then like me, Kaal will make you its victim - will corrupt you with Indrapad. Due to the exchange of the Indras in every era (in each manvantara) thus far, many thousand Indras of the deities have long gone to the grasp of Kaal; therefore, it's miles very hard for everybody to violate Kaal.

Having attained this body, you consider yourself to be very big like the everlasting God, Lord Brahma, who gave birth to all beings; however this Indrapada of yours has not proved to be unmoving or eternal till these days for anyone– so many have come and long gone on this. Only due to your stupidity do you consider it yours. Deveshwar! Being perishable, you trust in that which isn't always worthy of religion, and that is risky, you consider it strong; however, there's nothing surprising in this. Due to the fact the only whose heart has been taken over by Kaal, he's constantly affected by the same opposite feeling, due to your delusion, ‘the Rajalakshmi is mine’, thinking like this, you want to get it, it's far neither yours nor mine and neither is the others.

I can't count the number of kings it has deserted so far. Even after, you many kings will possess it. The ones who have formerly owned the whole earth along with trees, medicines, gems, animals, forests and food, I do not see them all in the intervening time. Prithu, Ilanandan, Pururava, Maya, Bhima, Narakasura, Shambrasur, Ashwagriva, Puloma, Svarbhanu, Amitdhwaja, Prahlada, Namuchi, Daksha, Viprachitti, Virochana, Hrinisheva, Suhotra Bhuriha, Pushpavan, Taurus, Satyasheshu, bahu, Kapila, Kartswar, Vahni, Visvadanstra, Nairiti, Sanchaska, Varitaksha, Varahasva, Ruchiprabh, Vishwajit, Pratirupa, Vrishanda, Vishkara, Madhu, Hiranyakashipu and Kaitabha—these and plenty of different demons have all turn out to be the masters of this earth. Those aforesaid and many different demon kings, whose names we have been hearing of earlier and long in the past, who are affected by Kaal, have all left this earth; because Kaal is the most effective. It isn't that you alone have executed the rituals of a hundred Yajnas. All those kings performed one hundred sacrifices. All have been pious and all had been constantly engaged in the sacrifice. They all had the strength to move in the sky and were going to take iron in front of the enemy in war. They all have been embellished with strong bodies. Their arms were thick and strong like a Parigha. All of them knew hundreds of Maya and used to take the form as preferred.

All of them were in no way heard of being defeated after accomplishing samarangana. All Vedoktas have been rapid-trackers and were fantastically erudite scholars. All were lokeshwars and all had attained the preferred opulence. Those great kings had never been blessed with opulence earlier than. They were all worth donors and without jealousy. They used to treat all of the dwelling beings in a proper manner. They all were born from the womb of Daksha-girls and they had been all the descendants of the mighty heroic Prajapati kashyapa. All those kings were igniting and majestic with their brilliance, but Kaal destroyed all of them. While you revel in this earth and leave it again, then you will no longer be able to forestall your grief. You surrender the desire for lovemaking and enjoyment and surrender this item of Rajalakshmi. In this situation, if your kingdom is destroyed, then you'll be able to endure that grief. Leaving the fear of past and destiny, stay your life with anything that is available in the present. I used to be constantly careful, however, if I was attacked by way of Kaal who in no way wait, then you too will soon be attacked by means of that. Excuse me for this harsh fact at the moment, you pierce me right here together with your eloquence because of fear. Keeping myself in restraint, I sit quietly; that is why you must have started considering yourself fantastic.

I have been troubled; that is why you're thundering status in front of me. Otherwise, who is this kind of hero within the world, who can live in front of me in a war? The invisible Kaal has attacked me, it's why you are standing in front of me. Due to the influence of Kaal, now all of the parts of me, are not so healthy. I was knocked down from Indrapada and you were made Indra in heaven. You have ended up the adoration of all of you in this strange living world because of the reverse of Kaal. Tell me, by doing which what precise deed you became Indra today and by which evil deed I fell down from Indrapada? Kaal (Prarabdha) is the creator and destroyer of all. All different things can't be attributed to it; therefore, a learned guy must neither sense very glad nor get much distressed upon getting destruction, opulence, happiness, Abhyudaya or defeat. You know very well how we are. I recognize you well; still, why do you give up your shame. In truth, it's far Kaal itself that is doing all this. You know the most about the attempt I've made before.

You have seen my might in lots of battles. At this juncture, it will suffice to give one illustration. You remember very well the time when the Devasura Sangram occurred earlier. I on my own defeated all of the Adityas, Rudras, Sadhyas, Vasus and Marudganas. At my pace, all the deities left the battlefield and ran away collectively. What a number of mountains, which include forests and wooded area dwellers, I had repeatedly stricken on you. On your head too, I had damaged many mountains with strong stones; but what can I do at this time; because it is very tough to disregard Kaal. Even now my pace is very lousy for you. However whilst Kaal has taken its flip, the fire of Kaal has surrounded me from all facets and I'm truly sure by Kaalpasha, then you are praising yourself by way of standing in front of me. Just as a person ties an animal with a rope, similarly this dreadful Kaal purush holds me in his loop. Profit and loss, satisfaction and pain, lust and anger, Abhyudaya-Parabhava, slaughter, freedom from imprisonment and imprisonment-all these are attained only by Kaal (Prarabdha).

A man is glad by doing those deeds after getting the cooperation of Kaal, but through not getting the cooperation of Kaal, by doing the same matters once more, he becomes a participant of sorrow. One who is aware of the impact of Kaal, he does now not grieve even after being affected by it. Due to the fact mourning doesn't assist in suffering, I don't grieve while the grief of the mourning man does not cast off his distress, on the contrary, the power of the grieving man is weakened. If it happens, then why mourn? Thinking of this, I do not grieve.”

On listening to this, the thousand-eyed deity king Indra, preventing his anger, thus stated, “demon king! Seeing my hand raised up along with the thunderbolt and Varuna pasha, the death that has come from the desire to kill is also heart-wrenching. Then whose intellect won't be troubled? Your mind is tattva-knowing and stable. This is why it doesn't get disillusioned at all. True mighty hero! You sincerely do not get disenchanted due to endurance. Seeing this whole world going in the direction of destruction, which bodied person can believe in wealth, luxuries, pleasures or even in his very own body? I recognise this world lying inside the darkish and occult black fire simplest for a moment. There's no way for one of these people who has come under the grip of Kaal. Even the maximum subtle and evil ghosts are being cooked in Kalagni, they too aren't going to eliminate it. No person can control it. The incarnate beings sleep in ecstasy. But Kaal is usually alert and wakeful. No one has ever seen such a thing before that Kaal will be removed in spite of one's efforts. Kaal is ancient (Anadi), eternal, dharma shape and has an equal vision for all beings. Kaal cannot be prevented via anyone and no person can violate it. Just as a person giving credit harass the borrowers by adding up the accounts of interest, in an identical way, he keeps on giving pain to the living beings by way of calculating the day, night, month, moment, kastha, laba and even art. As the velocity of a river all at once increases and takes away the tree by way of the shore. In addition ‘i will do it today and I will do it tomorrow’, a person who says this commonly gets stuck by Kaal. ‘hey! I simply noticed him and how did he die now, in this manner the babbles of different human beings are heard for those who are abducted through Kaal. Wealth and pleasures are destroyed. Place and opulence are snatched away and the life of this living world is also taken away by Kaal. The end of ascending is falling down and the end of birth is death. All that is seen is perishable.

Kaal doesn't see who's small and who's huge. Everybody is being thrown into the black fire, but no one is conscious 'human beings lose their conscience through being trapped in jealousy, pleasure, greed, lust, anger, fear, attachment and pride, but you are learned, knowledgeable and ascetic. You recognize the essence of all matters. You recognize Kaal and its essence. You are gifted in the knowledge of all the scriptures, skilled in the interpretation of the tattva, the ideal of individuals who are mindful and knowledgeable. This is why you are seeing Kaal actually. You have created the essence of all the worlds along with your mind, you're the most liberated despite the fact that you roam everywhere. You have no attachment anywhere. You have conquered your senses. It truly is why Rajoguna and Tamoguna can't contact you. You worship that soul who's free from pleasure, devoid of agony, warm-hearted of all beings and peaceful. 'Looking at you, kindness has come to my heart. I do no longer need to kill the sort of sensible man by means of preserving him in bondage. The biggest religion is not to behave cruelly in the direction of anyone. I have full grace on you. After some time, the loops of Varuna devata who bind you'll automatically depart you. Great asura! While people begin behaving contrary to justice, then your welfare will be there. While the daughter-in-law will start asking service from her old mother-in-law and the son too, out of disillusionment, order his father to do different types of work, Shudras will start washing their feet by brahmins and fearlessly making women of brahmin caste as their spouse, while men fearlessly establish themselves in non-human species, whilst humans of high caste and low caste will begin ingesting together in a container and gifts could be offered by them all together for the worship of God. The complete varna dharma will turn into nil, then step by step every one of your loops (Bandhan) will be loosened. You have no worry from us. You await time and uninterrupted, having healthy thoughts and disease-free, live fortuitously."

Thereupon Indra noticed that the supremely stunning and elegant Goddess was coming out of the body of the mahatma Bali in the shape of an idol. Astonished Indra asked Bali about that radiant splendour who came out of Bali’s body? Bali responded to him that, she was neither a female of the daitya clan nor a deity and a human being. Indra asked Goddess, "holy smiling beauty! Who're you coming out of the body? Your brilliance is splendid. I do no longer understand you; it truly is why I ask you to tell me your name. Who are you standing in this manner, leaving the demon king and illuminating me along with your brilliance?” Goddess said, “neither Virochana is aware of me nor his son this Bali. Humans call me Duhsaha and some people additionally recognise me by way of the call Vidhitsha. Conscious humans name me Bhooti, ​​Lakshmi and Shree. You do not recognise me and even all the deities do not understand anything about me."

Indra requested, “Duhsahe! You have resided in the body of king Bali for a long time, now are you leaving him for my sake or for Bali's own advantage?” Goddess Lakshmi said, “Indra! The dhaata or the creator can't in any way appoint me to any work. But I should obey Kaal’s order. The equal Kaal has seemed present to inspire me to give up on Bali. You don't ignore that Kaal.” Indra requested, “Lakshmi! How and why did you depart Bali? How will you no longer give up on me? Tell me this.”Lakshmi stated, “I live in truth, charity, fasting, penance, might and righteousness. King Bali has turned far from these. He changed into the benevolent, honest and jeetendriya of the first brahmins; but afterwards, he became guilty of brahmins and he touched ghee with his bare left fingers. In advance he constantly used to perform yajna; however, later on, suffering and bewildered by Kaal, he himself certainly ordered all of the humans that all of them ought to worship him only. Thus being despised by him, I will now live in your simplest. You ought to usually be cautious and keep me by penance and might.” Indra said, “Kamallaye! There is no such individual amongst deities, men or all beings, who alone can bear your burden. Tell me the way in which you can stay near me forever. I will obey you exactly.” Goddess Lakshmi stated, “deities, Gandharvas, asuras and rakshasas, none alone can bear my burden. You divide me into four elements via the approach prescribed within the Veda."

Indra instructed Goddess Lakshmi to keep her one foot on this gracious earth, which creates the completion of bhutas in the human global, that holds everybody, consequently, she ought to undergo the weight of her feet. Goddess Lakshmi did that as a consequence. After that, Indra requested her to keep her 2d feet inside the water considering the truth that it flows everywhere; therefore, it should endure the burden of her second foot. To set up her third feet, Indra informed her approximately Agnideva, in which Vedas, yajnas and whole deities are revered. Goddess Lakshmi observed Indra’s instructions and kept her third foot in fire. Indra then informed her that the brahmin devotees and the honest superior guys among men must bear the weight of her fourth foot. Goddess Lakshmi established her fourth foot among the saints and asked Indra to defend her from all aspects. Indra ascertained her to punish those beings who might reason her ache.

After that, being deserted by way of Goddess Lakshmi, the demon king Bali said, "so long as the sun shines in the east, it'll also illuminate the south, west and north directions. While the sun will continue to be located only in the mid-day, not going to Astachala, at that point again there will be a war of deities and I will defeat all the deities in it. When the sun will be located in one location i.e. Brahmaloka and start giving warmness to all of the lower worlds, at that point I will actually win you over within the war of devasura.” Indra answered, “Lord Brahma has commanded me not to kill you; that's why I'm not leaving my thunderbolt to your head. Move wherever you need. Notable asura! May you be well. The sun will by no means, ever be located in the mid-day and provide heat to all of the world. Lord Brahma has already established limits for them, so in line with the same reality, the sun moves around constantly, supplying warmness to all the worlds. He has two routes - north and south. There's Uttarayan for six months and Dakshinayana for six months. With this, the sun God travels, creating winter and heat inside the whole world.”

(by dividing the Vaivasvata Manvantara into eight parts, whilst the last-eighth element starts to pass, then the four puris of Indra, Yama, Varun and Kuvera will be destroyed within the four directions of the east. At that point, being situated only within the Brahmaloka, the sun will illuminate the complete lower world. At the same time, the Savarnika Manvantara will begin, in which king Bali will be Indra.)

After conquering the demons, he was multiplied to the position of Devraj, and being the Ekchhatra emperor, was ecstatic with joy. At that point, the extraordinary sages worshipped Indra, the Lord of the complete pastoral world. Agnideva began to bear the Havisham for the deities in the Yagyamandapa and Deveshwar Indra additionally began consuming the nectar offered through the servants. The superior brahmins, who had the energy to reach anywhere, praised Deveshwar Indra, who became radiant and without anger. Then Indra went to heaven and started experiencing bliss.

Now allow us to understand approximately the pre-signs of evil for which Goddess Laxmi leaves us and the virtues that attract her.

Once upon a time, the first-rate ascetic and sinless Narada used to roam in the three worlds in line with his wish. Under the influence of his splendid penance, he could see each of the higher and lower worlds, and being like the sages of Brahmaloka, they were illumined by immense brilliance. Sooner or later, getting up early in the morning, wishing to take a bath in the holy water, went to the banks of the Ganges that flowed through the Dhruvadwara and descended inside it. At the equal time, Indra additionally got here to the same bank of the Ganges. Then each of them immersed themselves in the Ganges and concentrated their minds and briefly completed the task of chanting Gayatri. After this, each of them sat down at the stunning Ganga full of satisfactory golden sand and started telling and listening to the stories heard from the mouths of virtuous men, Gods and sages. Each of them was concentrating and discussing the ancient stories that Lord Bhaskar, who was adorned with the ray of rays.

Seeing the entire circle of Suryadev, both of them stood up and performed their way. In the sky near the rising sun, he saw a divine light like the second sun, which was shining like a blazing fireplace regarded to be steadily approaching both of them. That radiance was a vimana of Lord Vishnu, which seemed to be unique, illuminating the three worlds with its transcendental radiance. It was also flying on the same skyway via which the solar and garuda flow. In that vimana, both of them noticed Lakshmidevi, who's famous through the name of Padma, seated on a lotus flower. Many most beautiful stunning apsaras were standing in front of him. She was as radiant as the solar and had the flames of blazing fire. It was getting equally bright. Her ornaments of the constellations were shining similarly, necklaces of pearl-like runes in her neck were enhancing her splendour. Lakshmidevi descended from the front of that plane and came to Indra and Devarshi Narada. In the front of Naradji Lord Indra, with folded hands, surrendered to the Goddess and worshipped her uniquely.

Goddess Laxmi said, “Indra! All of the living beings of the three virtuous worlds, with the desire to attain me, hold attempting with utmost enthusiasm. To bestow opulence to all beings, I have appeared in a lotus blooming in the warmth of the sun's rays. My name is Padma, Shree and Padmamalini. I'm Shraddha, Megha) Sanat, Vijiti, Dhriti, Siddhi, Kanti, Swaha, Svadha, and Smriti. I'm always present even in the body of a mighty king who does not back down from war and is embellished with victory. I continually reside in a person who practices righteousness, the most intelligent, the devotee of Brahman, the truthful, the humble and the charitable character. Earlier I used to stay here with asuras, certain by way of truth and dharma. Now seeing them contrary to religion, I've desired to live with you.” Indra said, “sumukhi! How was the demon's behaviour earlier? With that you used to stay with them and what have you ever seen now, for which you left those demons and demons and come here?” 

Goddess Laxmi said, “Indra! I usually reside within those beings who follow their dharma, never deviate from it and are engrossed in the way of attainment of heaven. Earlier the demons used to engage in charity, study and yajna-yag. They worshipped the deities, gurus, ancestors and guests. The truth was additionally followed here. They kept their doors clean by sweeping them. They used to win the heart of their woman with love, did Agnihotra every day and were gurusavi, jitendraya, brahmin devotees and truthful. They had religion, had conquered anger. They were donors. They did not look at the merits of others and have been free from jealousy. They used to guard their wife, son and minister etc. They never scolded each other because of bad good fortune. Each person was patient. They are in no way irritated by the prosperity of others. They used to acquire cash with the aid of giving donations, fees and many others. And lived by Aryan-people behaviour. They knew how to show mercy, have been a great grace to others.

They have been all simple-natured and had firm devotion. All of them had conquered their senses, they kept their servants and ministers satisfied. They were grateful and sweet-spoken. Respecting everyone properly, giving money to everyone, consuming shame and following the rules and policies. Constantly used to take a special bath at festivals, apply sandalwood to his limbs and wear beautiful embellishes. By nature, they were engaged in fasting and penance. Everyone was a believer and used to self-study the Vedas. They never slept in the morning. They used to wake up before sunrise. They never ate curd and sattu during the night, stored their mind and senses below control, got up early in the morning to have darshan, recited the Vedas, saw other auspicious matters and worshipped the brahmins. Usually engaged in the discussion of dharma and stayed away from Pratigraha.

They slept only in half of the night and did not sleep all through the day, used to show mercy to the miserly, orphans, old, weak, sick and women and distributed meals and garments for them. They usually consoled the troubled, depressed,, nervous, diseased, weak and the sufferer and person that had lost the entirety. They did no longer violence against each other. They had been collectively pleasant in all duties and had been devoted to the service of teachers and elders. They used to worship ancestors, deities and guests duly and after offering them, they used to get the remaining meals inside the form of prasad. They had been all sincere and ascetic. They did not eat good food alone. In advance, giving it to others used to keep it back for their own consumption. They had been in no way in contact with a different woman. They used to take pity at the creatures thinking about them as his own in no way considered it good to surrender semen in the sky, in animals, in the opposite yoni and on festive occasions.

Regular charity, cleverness, simplicity, enthusiasm, egolessness, utmost harmony, forgiveness, fact, charity, austerity, defecation, compassion, gentle words, the spirit of not quarrelling with friends – most of these virtues had been constantly present in him. Sleepiness, drowsiness, disappointment, fault-sightedness, ignorance, unhappiness, sadness and desire and many others couldn't input into them, for that reason I have lived with the demons of good characteristics for many ages from the time of creation till now. However, with the passage of time, there was a contrast in their qualities.

I noticed that there is no religion in the demons. They are possessed by lust and anger. When old humans sit down in that assembly and say something, then the evil demons make fun of all the one's old men, finding fault in them. Young demons, sitting on high rugs, do not arise like before, even after the arrival of old people, they do not appreciate them by means of bowing down. As quickly as the father lives, the son becomes the master. By means of becoming the servants of the enemies, they brazenly declare that action in front of others. Those who've acquired wonderful wealth through actions condemned against religion, in an equal way, their desire to earn cash has accelerated. The demons make a loud noise in the night time and the fire of Agnihotra has started burning slowly in there.

Sons and women have started oppressing fathers and husbands respectively. The demons, in spite of their sincerity, do not greet their parents, old men, teachers, guests and teachers. They do not even pay attention to the upbringing of the children. The demons themselves eat food without imparting alms and performing sacrificial Vaishvadeva rituals, worshipping the deities, ancestors, teachers and guests and offering food to them. The demons and their cooks do no longer observe the practice of defecation thru mind, speech and motion. Their meals are left unattended. Grains are scattered in their homes and they are eaten by crows and rats. They depart the milk exposed and contact the ghee with bare hands. The residence-wives of the demons do no longer cope with the spade, sickle, box, bronze utensils and all different things and things scattered right here and there inside the residence. The boundary partitions and homes of their villages and towns fall apart. But they don't repair it. Demons bind animals in the house, however, do not serve them by giving them fodder and water. Small kids keep looking with hope and the demons themselves eat the meals items. Leaving the servants and all other relatives hungry, they eat themselves. Kheer, khichdi, meat, pua and poori and many others food is made only for their very own meals and they consume meat unnecessarily. Now they have started out sleeping till dawn. They understand the morning to be night too. They fight day and night in their house.

The non-Aryans sitting there do not attend the service of the Arya purush. The unrighteous demonic ashram residents have malice with the mahatmas and even among themselves. Now they have started having Varnasankar children here. There is no purity left in anybody. Brahmins who are learned scholars of Vedas and people who simply do not realize even one hymn of the Vedas, those demons do not recognize any difference or speciality between them, nor do they have any difference in honouring or insulting them.

The maids there, wearing beautiful necklaces and other adorns, dressed up in graceful apparel and walk, stand sarcastically like misogynistic women. At the identical time, they adopt that misdeed, whose conduct is accomplished by way of miscreants. On the occasions of sports, rituals and monasteries, the women there dressing up as men and men in the guise of women meet each other and experience notable joy. Many demons were given jagirs by their ancestors in the shape of donations to the deserving brahmins. Because of atheism, they do not permit them to live with them, although they could continue to exist through different viable ways, they get rid of that given. The merchants who're with the demons usually swindle others' money and amongst brahmins, Kshatriyas and vaishyas, Shudras have additionally grown to be a Tapodhana.

Some people do self-study of the Vedas without following the vow of Brahmacharya. Some humans practice vain (non-Vedic) fasting. The disciple does not want to serve the guru. There are additionally a few gurus who keep disciples as friends. When father and mother get tired like festivities, then they haven't any dominion in the house. Those old couples beg for meals from their sons. There the Vedavattas who's knowledgeable and in solemnity like the ocean, they have become involved in farming etc. The gurus put on the clothes of these disciples nicely and decorate their garments and even if there's no inspiration from their aspect, they themselves do the work in their messengers and so forth. The daughter-in-law has started ruling over the servants in front of her father-in-law. She additionally gives orders to her husband and calls her husband in front of each person and talks to him. The father takes care of the son with unique effort. Fearing their anger, they distribute all the wealth to their sons and they themselves spend their lives with great pain. Individuals who had been considered to be well-wishers and friends, when they see the relative's wealth destroyed by way of fire, stolen or taken away by the king, then they make fun of him out of malice. The demons have turned out to be ungrateful, atheists, patricians and keen on guru-spouse. They devour what ought to not be eaten. This is why they've emerged as childless.

Ever in view that these demons have adopted these practices opposite to religion, for the reason that then I have decided that I will not live in the house of those demons. Deveshwar! It truly is why I personally have come right here for you. On being worshipped by you, other deities will also honour me in front of them. Where I can live, seven more Goddesses will reside there, in front of them will also be the eighth Jaya Devi. These eight Goddesses are very dear and superior to me and have surrendered to me. The names of these Goddesses are as follows – Asha, Shraddha, Dhriti, Shanti, Vijiti, Sananti, Ama and eighth Vritti (Jaya). This 8th Goddess is the precursor of all those seven. Those Goddesses and I've come to your kingdom by abandoning all the one's demons. The conscience of the deities is loyal to religion. It truly is why we are able to now live right here.”

After that Devarshi Narada and deity king Indra greeted Goddess Lakshmi for her happiness. At that point, Vayudeva, who is a friend of the God of fire, with a pleasant odour and pleasant touch and who gives satisfaction to all of the senses, started flowing slowly at the devmargas. In that holiest and desired region, almost all the deities appeared to peer Indra such as Rajalakshmi, after that Indra Lakshmidevi and his awesome sage Narada, riding on green coloured horses, sat on the chariot and went to Amaravati, the capital of heaven and were glad about the deities. Thereupon the clear and luminous sky started out to rain nectar in the house of swayambhu Lord Brahma. On the arrival of Lakshmi Ji in heaven, Indra dev rained on time to irrigate the world's agriculture according to the seasons. Nobody deviated from the path of dharma and the earth, adorned with many seas, began to roar as though for the victory of the people of Tribhuvan within the shape of these seas. At that time, the virtuous human beings stayed at the auspicious route of the virtuous, and the deities, kinnars, yakshas, ​​demons and people became prosperous and beneficiant. The matter of sudden death was not even there. Even throughout heavy velocity of wind a single flower and fruit by no means fell down from a tree. All of the Dhenus used to offer milk and so forth as consistent with her desire. No harsh words ever got here out of everybody's mouth.

(Morals: whose wife and sons have died, happiness has been snatched away or wealth has been destroyed and because of these reasons, who is trapped in difficult calamity, it is useful for him to have endurance. The body of one whose patient does not perish due to fear. Mourninglessness produces happiness and good health, when the body becomes disease-free, a person earns wealth and prosperity once more. The wise guy who constantly takes the help of the Sattvik mindset, is the one who attains opulence and persistence, and he's industrialized in all moves.)

Ref: Mahabharata book shanti parva