King Brahmadatta’s son kills the hatchling of Pujani and Pujani makes him blind

Trust brought tremendous fear to kings! Enemies should not be relied on as well as it isn't proper to trust everywhere. These were recommended by way of Bhishma Pitamaha to Yudhisthira after the great Mahabharata war on which he questioned him how to get the victory and keep on with his nation affairs if he kept on disbelieving everywhere. In response, Bhishma referred to the communication of Pujani bird who used to live in the palace of King Brahmadatta. let us know about it.

A long time ago, a king named Brahmadatta reigned in Kampilya Nagar(capital of Panchala kingdom). A bird named pujani used to stay there in his palace. She lived for a long time. That bird could recognize the speech of all beings like a unique bird named 'Jivajeevak'. No matter being born in Tiryagyoni (born of or as an animal), she turned into an omniscient and knower of all the factors. Sooner or later she gave birth to a baby bird inside the palace of Queen, who grew up stunning. On the same day, along with that hatchling, a baby was born from the womb of the queen. That grateful bird Pujani used to roam within the sky after going to the seaside, bring equally delicious fruits similar to nectar for the two babies for their nutrition.

One day, Dhaya was roaming around carrying the prince in her palms. Since he was only an infant, he saw that baby bird and started playing with it delicately. Then he killed it by taking it to a lonely location and went back to the lap of Dhaya. Whilst Pujani returned with the fruit, he saw that the prince had killed her baby bird and it was lying dead on the ground. Seeing such misfortune of her baby, she cried in sorrow and said, “Kshatriyas do not have the spirit of union. There is no love, no concord. For a few reasons or selfishness, they console others. Whilst their work is achieved, then they abandon the dependent persons. Kshatriyas do evil to everyone. No person should trust them. Even after insulting, they console that person in vain. How ungrateful this prince is! cruel and treacherous! well, today I will take revenge on him. He killed my baby bird who was born and brought up together with him, at the same time, ate food and lived in the shelter.”

After saying this, Pujani ruined both eyes of the Prince with her claws, flew up to the sky, and told him that, “The result is right away received by the doer who commits sins willingly on this world. Whose sins are avenged instantly, their previous good and awful deeds aren't destroyed? If the doer does not get any result of sin carried out immediately, then it should be understood that his sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons will have to endure the culmination of it.”

King Brahmadatta saw that Pujani had made his son blind, then he understood that the prince acquired the vengeance for his misdeeds. Thinking this he relinquished his anger and said to her that, “Pujani! we did you an offence and you have repaid it. Now our work is equalized. So stay right here now. Don't go to any other location.”

Pujani spoke back to the king that, “King! wise men do not appreciate if someone takes shelter after committing a crime there. It is better to run away. Never believe in luring talks whilst there may be enmity, due to the fact through doing this, the fire of enmity does no longer get extinguished, and that idiot who believes is killed quickly. Those who create hatred with each other, that harms sons and grandsons. Destruction of his sons and grandsons does not leave his side even in the afterlife. For people who are adversarial to one another, the simplest manner to attain happiness for them isn't always to trust each other. Neither trust the unfaithful people nor the trustworthy. Because the worry of the believer destroys him. One might also create trust in others for him but by no means trust others themselves. Due to the affection of mother and father, their bondage seems like the excellent among all his friends, the wife is the embodied shape of old age by being the destroyer of semen, his son is his part, brother (because of sharing in wealth) is considered to be an enemy and a friend is a friend so long as his selfishness is still ascertained. The soul itself is stated to be the enjoyer of happiness and sorrow. The reason for which I've been right here until now is completed. He who disrespects the first, even if he is worshipped through charity, he is not trustworthy. The unjust karma performed by oneself only scares the weak beings. King! with great respect I have been here for a long time but now animosity arose. it's why I will leave here very quickly.”

Brahmadatta said, “Pujani! Neither a person’s guilt after paying back to another's is regarded as a crime nor he is known as a criminal. By doing it the former guilty person is liberated from his guilt. This is why you live right here. Do not move anywhere.”

Pujani responded to him that, “King! there's no union in between one who's harmed and one who does the incorrect. That factor keeps knocking in each in their hearts of one who commits the offence and on whom it is committed.”

Brahmadatta said, “Pujani! if you take revenge then it turns into pacified and the one who does the incorrect does not need to suffer by getting the fruit of that sin. Therefore the guilt person and the sufferer may be united once more.”

Pujani said, “King! In no way enmity restrain. One must by no means agree with his enemy thinking about his console. In such a kingdom he may lose his own life, so it is better no longer to reveal face there. Those who had been now not subdued via pressure or even with sharp weapons, they too can be taken prisoner by sweet speech. Like elephants are captured with the help of female elephants.”

Brahmadatta stated, “Pujani! the destroyer of life even after dwelling collectively develops mutual affection, and that they start trusting each other, like a dog's affection and beliefs for chandala. The ones whose enmity among themselves, via being together it softens, much like the water that does not stay on lotus leaf-like, inside the identical manner that hatred never lasts.”

Pujani said, “King! for five reasons hatred takes place as in step with the wise men; including, 1. For women, 2. For home and land, 3. due to harsh speech, 4. due to caste hatred, and 5. because of the offence committed at any time. No person should raise arms on one who's benevolent, especially to the king. First, it should be considered that his fault is mild or heavy. After that, a few actions need to be taken. Just as the Badwanal sea does not calm down, within the same manner the fire of anger is softened neither with money nor via showing harshness, no longer by persuading and quelling through sweet words, and not via the knowledge of the scriptures. It is not extinguished without igniting one side and the karma resulting from humiliation by no means is calmed down without killing the character from one side. Despite the fact that the person is venerated by the wrongdoer with money and honour, he should not trust that enemy due to the fact the sinful act itself continues scaring the weak. I haven't done you any damage until now and Neither did you do me any. It's why I stayed inside the palace, however now I can not believe you.”

Brahmadatta said, “Pujani! Kala performs all actions. Whose crime is in this? Birth and demise both those activities move on in the same manner as in step with Kala. Some people are killed all at once, a few die one by one and some human beings don't die for a long time even. As hearth finds gasoline and burns it, so Kala alone burns all beings. Neither you were the real motive inside the crimes committed in opposition to each other nor I am the real cause. Kala itself always receives or generates the happiness and sorrow of all of the incarnations. I will now not damage you in any way. You live right here peacefully as per your wish. I forgive you for what you've got done and you additionally Forgive me for whatever I did.”

Pujani said, “King! if as in keeping with you Kala considers the reason for actions, then there has to be no enmity; on the killing of brothers and sisters why do their relatives take revenge? If from time to time there is death, sorrow-happiness, and progress-degeneration, then in the past why did the gods and Asuras combat and kill each other? Why do physicians aspire to deal with patients? What's the cause of making drug treatments? In case you consider Kala as fact, why do living beings cry and faint from mourning? Then law-prohibition has been maintained? King! Your son killed my baby and that I also destroyed his eyes. After that now you will kill me. As I behaved sinfully, in the same manner, you can assault me. The reality is humans' desire of retaining birds to eat and play. Besides killing or putting them in captivity no different purpose for a contact of them with birds is seen. Because of the anxiety of this slaughter and bondage, Mumukshu (seeking salvation) - They take shelter from the scriptures, due to the fact as in line with Vedic people it becomes unbearable sorrow of birth and death. Everyone loves their lives, all people adore their son as sweet, everyone is afflicted by way of sorrow and every person wants to gain happiness. There are many sorts of sorrow such as old age, the destruction of wealth, staying with unpleasant people and separation from cherished ones. All people suffer even from loss of life and bondage. It too reasons due to women, and if the son dies or turns out to be wicked. Some foolish human beings say that there is sorrow in other's sorrow, but the same aspect is said to the best guys who do no longer realize the essence of sorrow. A person who grieves after suffering from sorrow, says such a thing. King! what you've got done to me and what I have carried out in return, even in hundreds of years cannot be forgotten in this manner, due to disrespecting each other Now we cannot meet once more. Your animosity will continue to freshen up by remembering your son.

Trust is painful, this is the willpower of ethics. In ancient times, Shukracharya also instructed two lines from Prahlada, which are like this, like a pit covered with dry straw kills the people who go to take the honey, in the equal manner that people trust in a variety of false or true matters of an enemy, additionally die. When painful enmity is certain in a clan, then it wouldn't calm down. A person usually keeps reminding of the hatred. So long as there is a single male alive within the circle of relatives, till then the animosity would not go away.

King! people of evil nature keep enmity in their minds and continues to console the enemy with sweet words from outside. By way of committing a crime to someone again have to not trust. Who even by way of insulting others believes in them, has to suffer.

Brahmadatta stated, “Pujani! unbelieving man neither gets what he desires in the world nor can make any effort for any work, If there's usually fear from one side inside the thoughts, then the guy is just like a dead person. Their existence turns into dirt.”

Pujani said, “King! once one has a wound on each toe, if he continues on the steps of the ones, even as after walking on those toes very carefully, the wounds will keep on happening again. While the man turns towards the air with his ill eyes opened, the air enters in those eyes of him ensuing pain within the eyes. A person who does now not apprehend his power, at the inaccessible path due to infatuation goes, his life ends there. One who eats wholesome food which is sour, astringent, scrumptious, or sweet every day, the same food turns out to be the nectar for him. However, for those who follow the path of attachment without considering the consequences and leaves for unhygienic food, his life ends there. God and Purushartha both live on each other's assist. But religious-minded men usually do good deeds and The impotent stay dependent on God. He keeps doing the work whether or not it is difficult or smooth, and is beneficial to him, He who renounces Karma being bad continually remains a victim of misfortune. Consequently, One must do bravery without relying on nature, Kala, and God. knowledge, valour, skill, power, and patience - those 5 are said to be realistic friends of human beings. House, metals like copper, fields, women, and good people - these are referred to as Sub-friends. One could locate them everywhere. The learned man with those lives in bliss everywhere. No person scares them. If a wise man has a little money, that too continually maintains on increasing. He works efficaciously with commemorated. Whilst the intellect turns into the opposite, many other people at home, constantly fear approximately the fields, friends, and his country, etc., and remain sad. Even if your birthplace is stricken by disease and famine, then for self-defence move away elsewhere or else stay there forever only as venerated.

King! I handled your son wickedly that's why I can't dare to live here anymore, I will move somewhere else. Wicked spouse, depraved Son, wicked King, wicked friend, Corrupt relationships and evil countries ought to be deserted from afar. A wicked son can in no way be relied on. Wicked love isn't always possible. There can in no way be peace inside the country of a crooked king. One cannot survive in a wicked country. That's why depraved friends’ affection can never last. It is not possible to stay forever if there is a corrupt relationship, There's an insult out of discrepancy in selfishness. A spouse is only good who speaks loving words. Son is an ideal who brings happiness. The great friend is the one on whom trust is built and the country is also excellent, in which one can make a residing. The country whose king is virtuous and pious, their woman, son, friend, relative, and country are accomplished with appropriate qualities. The king who does no longer realize dharma, hs rule gets destroyed. The king is the origin of Dharma, Artha, and the Kama, consequently, by being very careful, constantly people should obey him. A king who consumes one-sixth part of the earnings of the people and does no longer looks after them is a thief among kings. The one who offers protection to the human beings by greed for money, that sinful king is going to hell. The king who rule the humans righteously via giving fearlessness to them and proves his promise to be true is considered to be the giver of happiness to all.

Prajapati Manu has advised the seven traits of a king and in step with him, a king is likened as a mother, father, guru, protector, Agni, Kuber and Yama. He's always kind to human beings, he's the father of his nation. The misrepresentation showed to the humans by way of King results in him being born in yonis of animals and birds. The king additionally takes care of the poor and the troubled and manages everyone, therefore, he is like a mother. He keeps burning unpleasant humans so he's similar to fire. He suppresses the depraved and continues them in restraint. It's why appeared as Yama. He spends money on cherished ones with open arms and fulfils their preference, hence is like Kubera. For teaching Dharma he's known as Guru and for protecting all, he is the protector. He's complete of virtues and is respected in heaven too. He maintains to follow Dharma. King unearths happiness in Ihaloka as well as in Paraloka for respecting the humans of the town and the villages. That king is attained by way of Parabhav whose human beings always suffer from the burden of charges and he's troubled with various types of misfortunes. King! it's in no way precise to wage war with the strong ones. Where is the kingdom’ happiness for the one who has bought a quarrel with the strong.” After saying this Pujani bird took off and went in the preferred direction.

Ref: Mahabharata book Shanti Parva

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