Mouse Palita becomes a friend with his enemy tomcat Lomasha for a motive

After Yudhisthira was crowned as King of Hastinapur, Lord Krishna freed amazing Bhishma from all of his sufferings prior to his death and asked him to alleviate Yudhisthira from mourning over the dead Kshatriyas thru the manner of advising him on Dharma. Yudhishthira asked, “Bharatshrestha! by means of taking refuge in which religion, kings who are skilled insignificance and clever in theology, even if surrounded via enemies do no longer get infatuated. How does the king subdue friend and foe? The person who has been taken into consideration as a friend by way of the first signs If he becomes an enemy, then how should he be dealt with? Whom ought to he adore? how to treat a mighty individual if he joins the enemies?

Bhishma responded, “Yudhishthira! special actions have such an impact, because of which on occasion an enemy becomes a friend, and every so often a friend's mind gets tainted through hatred. Actual enemy and friend doesn't constantly stay the same. Consequently, after thinking about the kingdom and state of affairs and the dedication of duty and non-duty, one should trust someone and fight with someone. Make friendship with one who continually is inquisitive about your welfare and also you ought to make a treaty with your enemies too, due to the fact it's far constantly the responsibility of yours to defend yourself. One does not fulfill any of his purposes by never making a pact with enemies. One gets the fruit of his karma by means of making pact with the enemy whilst seeing his self-betterment opportunities which then raises conflicts with his friends.” Bhishma then gave the instance of an ancient story of a tomcat and a mouse living in the safe haven of the banyan tree. Let us know about it.

There was a huge banyan tree in amazing woodland covered with trailing plants and various birds. Due to the fact that it appeared like a cloud, it’s shadow was cool so the animals built their shelters. By means of making a hollow within the root of it, a mouse named Palita stayed there too. A tomcat named Lomasha too lived very happily at the same banyan branch. His food was group of birds. In the same woodland, a Chandala also lived by using constructing a residence. He used to come there every evening after sundown, unfold the net in place. Thereafter he returned back to his place and slept happily; then in the morning, he came there each day to pick up the trapped animals. Many animals used to be caught at night. 

One day mighty Lomasha due to his carelessness was stuck within the trap. When Palita came to realize this, he got here out of his mousehole and started out wandering fearlessly everywhere. At the same time as wandering, the mouse searched for meals and after a long time found flesh which was scattered on the net. He started out eating meat on the net and at the same time laughed heartily at his enemy Lomasha.

Then he noticed another fierce enemy there who used to sleep inside a hole in the earth. It was a mongoose named Harina that used to be fierce and of brown color whose eyes appeared like copper. After smelling the same mouse with incredible enthusiasm the mongoose too reached there. The mongoose with an intention to take its food stood on the earth, then again another enemy who lived within the hollow of the tree seemed sitting on the banyan branch. It was a famous owl by the name of Chandraka whose beak was sharp. The owl continually roamed in the night. The mouse became the target of the mongoose and the owl. Out of worry, it is understood that death has approached fo the mouse in this painful situation. Palita thought what might be the solution inside the state for a creature for its own welfare? accordingly, his path was blocked from all facets. He could see fear everywhere. After this, he again gained the great of intelligence and idea that, “the creatures who've come near destruction by getting into crisis need to give efforts to save their lives and there may be doubt of life from all sides for me. If I run away the mongoose will devour me after capturing on the earth, then if I stay here then the owl will kill me with its beak and if I bite the net and enter inside then, the Tomcat will now not leave me alive. But just like the wise, I ought to no longer be panic. Therefore, as far as by imparting mutual cooperation I can try and save my life. The wise learned and accomplished men are notwithstanding being in huge terrible catastrophe, never drown in it and try to get away. Presently, besides resorting to this tomboy, I don't see any other way. Despite the fact that he is my enemy, but right now he himself is in high-quality danger too. Right here, I additionally want to shield my life, three enemies have ambushed me; So why can't I take refuge in my enemy today? Today by taking the help of Niti shastras I will mislead my enemies and save myself. If viable I may additionally convince the fool tomcat to ascertain personal welfare through associating him. Perhaps due to the disaster, the tomcat will make the deal. Acharyas say that Even strong men who need to guard their lives in the course of disaster must be harmonized with the nearest enemy. A learned enemy is also excellent, however, a foolish friend isn't always good. Today my life is below the manage of my enemy Tomcat.”

The mouse planned a tactic for self-protection he whilst consoling the tomcat stated to him that, “Brother tomcat! I'm friendly towards you. Are you still alive? I want your life to be secure; because in this manner, we both have equal good. You shouldn't be afraid. You will live on thankfully, in case you give up the need to kill me. I'm able to save you from this trouble. There's a way by that you may get out of problem. Look, both the mongoose and the owl are staying right here with a sinful aim to attack me. Until they do not get me, I'm well. I have a great fear to this fickle-eyed sinner owl is staring at me at the same time as hooting on the branch of the tree. As in keeping with wise men, Friendship ensues only by walking seven steps collectively. You and I live right here forever. So that you are my learned friend. I've been with you for so long I can certainly follow my friendly religion constantly. Without my assist, your bondage cannot be cut. In case you won't trouble me then I will cut off all these bondage of yours. You stay on this tree and that I live at the root of it for a long time. In whom no person trusts and he who does no longer consider in others, each of them isn't praised because there may be continually agitation in their mind. Consequently, our affection needs to usually grow and keep consistent. Tomcat! I protect your life and also you shield mine. This union of each of us could be eternal. I can triumph over the adversity and you may triumph over the displeasure.”

Lomasha tomcat highly praised the mouse for his intelligence with Sama approach and said, “I greet you and wish you well for taking into consideration giving me life. if you know the solution for our welfare, then without a doubt do it. Don't think otherwise. I'm in great problem and so are you. In this manner, each of us should make a treaty. Do not put off it. To fulfill your wishes while the time comes regardless of the task is, I can honestly do it. The favor done by means of you will now not be destroyed when I will be free. I will truly pay for it. At this point, my pride is damaged. I am your devotee and I've to turn out to be your disciple. I can do your favors and I will constantly be underneath your command. I am yours in each manner and I've come to the refuge.”

Palita then said, “Brother bill! you've spoken the generous words. I am very frightened of this mongoose. that's why I will fall into this trap with you; but you don't kill me; because only being alive I can be capable of protecting you. Here this owl is also ready to take my life. You save me. I'm true to you I swear by oath, I will cut your bonds.” Hearing this from the mouse, Lomasha through praising and worshiping Palita, in harmony said- Brother! Come quickly! For whatever work can be done, command me, certain I will. We ought to have a treaty. On getting rid of this calamity, I will be able to additionally create a fondness for me in your heart. I will provide you with the utmost respect. When someone pays in return for a person's favor; his favor does not befit just like the primary doer’s. Because the second does it only in return to first one's favor but the first one does it without any cause for his good.”

By means of believing in him, the mouse sat down even inside the lap of that enemy tomcat and slept fearlessly on his chest. The mongoose and both owls were upset and very scared. At that time seeing that unique affection of the tomcat and the mouse, both the mongoose and the owl regardless of being very strong, sensible, efficient, and nearby to the mouse, they could not attack him forcefully. The Owl and mongoose seeing that they have got made a pact with each other both immediately returned to their places. The mouse was properly aware of the timing and situation. That was why he remained hidden inside the tomcat, began cutting the bond of tomcat slowly at the same time as waiting for the arrival of Chandala. The tomcat saw the net was being cut. but not so quick. Then he provoked the rat and said, “why do not you hurry? Your work is done, it is why you ignore me! Now the Chandala must be coming here. Earlier than he reaches here cut my bonds.” The clever Palita said to him that, “you should not be in a hurry, there's no need to panic. I understand the time and I can never miss it while the proper opportunity comes. Plenty of out-of-pocket work does not give benefits to the doer and if it is executed at the right time then he becomes a seeker of great significance. I fear if you will be left loose just before time, therefore, my friend! Wait a bit longer. When I will see fear in your present due to the Chandala coming here carrying weapons in his hand, then I will soon cut off your ties. As quickly as you leave at that time, you'll climb the tree first. You wont want anything other than the safety of your own life then. At that time I will enter the mousehole.”

Lomasha was in a rush to make his work; so he behaved kindly to the mouse and stated to him that, “great men do the work of friends with splendid love and happiness. In contrast to you as I right away rescued you from trouble. Similarly, you need to do my work soon so we both can be protected. Or if by remembering the earlier hatred in case you want to waste time, then, oh sinner, you'll see what will happen? Your lifeline must be getting reduced for sure. If I've ever committed any offense to you out of lack of knowledge then you definitely should not bring it to your mind, I am sorry. I ask you to be pleased with me.”

That wise mouse then said to him that, “you consciousness is only on your selfishness. One who has become a friend by a frightening creature and the one who has become his friend by being afraid himself- these forms of friends have to be protected. The individual that isn't always worried of his defense by way of making a pact with a powerful, their union is just like the filthy meals that aren't at all useful. No person is anyone's friend and no one's enemy. friends and enemies are tied to each other simplest because of their interests. When the work is completed, no one pays attention to his desires; so all processes need to be kept incomplete. I have cut many threads, only one string is left. i will cut that quickly; You keep calm, do not panic.”

In this manner, that night passed. Now Lomasha’s mind was full of fear. In the morning Chandala named Parigha, approached there with a weapon in his hand. His figure was huge, body-color was black and yellow. His many body parts were deformed? He seemed to be rough in nature. Surrounded by dogs the uncleaned Chandala looked very frightening, his face was weird. Seeing the Chandala coming like Yama, the thoughts of a tomcat bewildered with fear. They were both nervous. After that, the mouse cut the bondage of the tomcat. As soon as he left loose, the tomcat climbed the same tree sat at the branch. The mouse entered its mousehole. The Chandala looked at all of the sides of the net and was disappointed. He eventually went back to his home.

Being unfastened from that great fear Lomasha whilst sitting on the branch sitting said to the mouse, “Brother! You entered the mousehole without talking to me. I'm grateful that you saved my life and I saved yours too. Do you have any doubts on my part? You believed in me in times of trouble and gave me life. Now you need to enjoy the pleasures of friendship near me. Why not Are you coming? The evil-minded person who first by making many buddies does not stay in that friendliness, he doesn't get any help from those pals at the time of trouble. You have honored me in line with your power and I have additionally become your friend. All my friends, relatives will worship you in the same manner as disciples revered guru. Who would not worship his life-giver? You become the master of my body and also of my house. Whatever wealth I've, it is all yours. You are its ruler and administrator. You become my minister and like a father teach me duty. I swear by my life I say that you have no fear from us. You are as intelligent as Shukracharya as you own the power of mantra in you by way of which today you gave me life.”

On hearing such supremely peaceful things of tomcat, Palita said to him that, “Lomasha! This identity of friend and foe in this world is very subtle. Many friends turn into enemies while the possibility comes And so many enemies grow to be friends. While they're subjected to lust and anger, Then it becomes impossible to remember that they are friendly or Is it antagonistic. Human beings are friends and enemies of every different in relation to the necessary power. Friendship isn't an everlasting thing and enmity is also always is not an everlasting aspect. Sometimes a friend ends up an enemy over time and vice versa. The person who without considering the relation of desire, trusts friends and distrusts enemies and who has affection for his enemy or friend, his intellect have to be considered as fickle. Parents, sons, uncles, nephews, relatives, and brothers- Bondage they all have love only out of selfishness. If your beloved son additionally turns impure, then parents depart him. Everyone always wishes to protect themselves. Selfishness in this world is the essence. We've got a comparable situation. If I have rescued you from hassle so that you have also saved me from the same calamity. Why do you want to avenge the favor? You got here down from the banyan at this area and already there was a net right here; but you did no longer pay attention and got trapped. Whilst an animal is not concerned about his own welfare then what will he do for the benefit of others? Consequently, it is certain that an agile man ruins all the work. Besides this, you appear very dear to me for speaking sweet. Human beings are worth of affection and hatred because of motive. This world is full of selfishness. nobody is a dear. Amongst real brothers and husband and spouse who has mutual love, they too get irritated out of selfishness. Some are dear by way of giving charity, some with the aid of talking sweet words. Some by chanting mantras for success and homa. As long as the motive is there, the love stays. When the place of the motive is destroyed, love also automatically departs. Now what else motive is there for you to show me love apart from to devour my body? I apprehend the selfishness behind your love. Time changes the nature of purpose, and selfishness keeps track of that time.

The types of friendship and enmity are like clouds moment by moment; keep changing. How fickle is this egocentric relationship? In advance, when there has been an excellent motive, then each of us was friends. Since the motive is long past now, that friendship additionally went away. You're my enemy by means of caste, however, for a special motive had come to be friends. After proving that motive, your nature again got easily opposed. Now we don't need to meet each other once more. I'm the food and you're the eater of me. I'm weak and you are strong. Thus among me and you there's no similarity. There can not be a treaty between the two. I've regarded your idea, genuinely you went out in search of food and fell into this trap. you're suffering from hunger after getting out of it. clearly, you will eat me. Your lovely wife and sons after seeing me with you, are glad. Why won't they devour me? Being near the strong is never right for the weak. If you assume that I've done you any desire, then you ought to continually maintain friendship toward me. I can provide you with the whole thing you want; however, I can by no means give me to you. To protect yourself, children, state, gems, and money - all may be sacrificed. One ought to protect oneself even by sacrificing the entirety. The opulence, wealth, and gemstones can be acquired back.”

Then the tomcat became ashamed and stated again to the mouse, “Brother! I swear to you the truth, it is a totally disgusting thing to betray a friend. You are always prepared for my benefit, I consider it your best. I understand the result of your intelligence. I get your idea absolutely. However, don't get me wrong. My feelings for you are not contrary. You have given me life, it is why you have me. I know dharma, the value of virtues apprehend, especially grateful and friendly to you. The most important thing is that I have turn out to be your devotee. So my good friend! I will be there for you with my brothers and sisters. I will even surrender my life. You have to not doubt on me.”

Even after being praised in this manner by the tomcat, the mouse kept on being cussed and stated to him that, “Brother! you are surely an exceptional saint. I am glad about that too. However I can not believe you. In spite of how much stuti you do for me and how much money you waste for me, I can't get along with you. Intelligent and learned men without any special motive do not go under the manipulate of their enemy. Shukracharya has informed stories in this regard that, while the same calamity came upon you and your enemy, then take splendid care by way of matching the weak with a strong enemy and should do his work with tact and when the work occurs, you then ought to now not trust that enemy again. Do no longer consider on the one who isn't always confidant or even more on the one who's trustworthy. You may build belief in others for yourself however don't agree with others. Consequently, preserve your life in all instances; due to the fact when alive, a person gets wealth, children, and all. Those who are cautious not to believe, whilst they are weak then additionally they are not killed by enemies. However, those who trust, even though they're strong, they are killed by weak enemies. Always guard me against people like you and also you must protect yourself from your innate enemy, Chandala.” Whilst listening to the name of Chandala from the mouse, the tomcat got very frightened and he right away left the branch with great pace and went to the alternative side. The smart mouse too moved to another mousehole. Thus weak and lonely, but wise mouse Palita defeated strong enemies with his intelligence.

(Consequently, on the time of trouble, the learned man ought to make a cope with the strong. Mice and tomcats are adversarial creatures yet they cherished each other in times of hassle. The idea of ​​making a treaty between them arose. On such occasions, the wise man should take the shelter of the best mind and defeat the enemy by way of creating a treaty. Likewise, if an intellectual guy is also inattentive, then he can be defeated by way of another wise guy. It is why humans need to be fearless and behave the same without trusting all people. He should never be careless or else, he will be destroyed. It is right to do a treaty with an enemy and fight with a friend. The person who before fear came by his side, stays suspicious regularly, then there is no opportunity for fear comes in front of him. However, one that trusts others without any hesitation typically has to stand great fear. The person who walks fearlessly thinking about himself to be intelligent, he ought to never provide any advice, because he doesn't concentrate to different's recommendation. One ought to live fearlessly and no longer agree with others from inside, however from above he ought to behave like a believer.)

Ref: Mahabharata book Shanti Parva

read more about the story of a sage and a dog mentioned by Bhishma in Mahabharata..