Demon Charvaka disguises himself as Brahmins and dies as per the boon of Lord Brahma

After the splendid Mahabharata war, Yudhisthira mourned for the death of his elder brother Karna, His sons; the Upapandavas, and other outstanding warriors determined to depart the kingdom Hastinapur and live the life of an Ascetic. However, he later changed his thoughts after hearing about deciding on the proper manner of Grihastha and the genuine religion of being a King from Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa, Narada, and Lord Krishna. Pandavas then entered Hastinapur. Ten lakh people gathered there on the streets to greet them. Absolutely everyone such as women praised Pandavas by way of elaborating their glories and wished them well-being. The complete city was beautifully adorned. All the Brahmins gave them blessings. Yudhisthira first entered the palace, worshipped their clan deities, and came outside. Yudhisthira worshipped all those brahmins with proper rituals. More than one thousand numbers of Brahmins had been there. 

On the time, whilst the whole brahmins had been silent, a fearless demon friend of Duryodhana named Charvaka, who was dressed as sannyasi Brahmin, was holding Akshamala in his hand, wearing Sikha on his head and carrying a Tridanda to ruin the Pandavas told to King Yudhisthira that, “ King! I speak on behalf of all these Brahmins. You are an evil king who slew all his relatives and brothers. Shame on you! Your life is worthless now. It is better for a person like you to die than live like this after killing your own gurus and relatives.”

After listening to the cruel statements of Charvaka, all of the brahmins felt humiliated and they condemned him in their mind. King Yudhisthira alongside those brahmins could not say a single word out of disgrace. Yudhisthira responded to all of them that, “ Brahmins! I with courtesy pray to you all at your feet to be pleased on me. I am in great hassle now please do not get angry with me.”

Brahmins responded to him that, “King! He is not talking according to us. We want your Rajalaxmi to stay for all time.” Those Brahmins with their ascetic power then recognized the demon Charvaka disguised as a brahmin. Brahmins stated to Yudhisthira that, “This demon Charvaka was once a friend of Duryodhana and now he has come here as a sannyasi Brahmin only to please him. You must now not be afraid. We give blessings to you and your brothers.” Consequently, that evil Charvaka got his comeuppance via way of all those brahmins’ Hunkaras (the uttering of hum). Brahmins burnt that demon into ashes. Yudhisthira was alleviated to see this.

Later Lord Krishna explained the death of Charvaka to Yudhisthira that, “Taat! Brahmins are constantly revered to me. On this earth, they're similar to all the deities. When enraged, their wordings come to be poison. They could easily be pleased and consequently, they bless others.

'A long time ago, This demon Charvaka did rigorous penance In Badrika Ashram and constantly asked Lord Brahma for a boon. Lord Brahma appeared in front of him. In the boon, he asked to live fearless from everyone. Lord Brahma gave him Abhaya-Dana via pronouncing that other than humiliating Brahmin, Charvaka has nothing to fear. After that Charvaka became fierce and starters bothering the deities. Despised of the demon’s strength, deities then asked Lord Brahma for Charvaka’s dying. Lord relieved them by announcing that, Charvaka will become the friend of Duryodhana, out of having a fondness for his friend he will humiliate the brahmins after which will be burnt with the aid of their wrath simplest.’

King! This demon is now killed by way of Brahmadanda. Therefore you must now not grief anymore. You've killed your relatives and brothers at the same time as being on Kshatriya dharma and they have already attained Svargaloka now. You keep on along with your responsibilities as a king.”

Ref: Mahabharata book Shanti Parva