Ruchik gives spelled Charu to Satyavati and his mother & Jamadagni and Vishvamitra gets born

Lord Parashurama; the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu is believed to be one of the Cheeranjivis or immortal ones. All of us are aware of the fact that he slew many Kshatriyas twenty-one times on earth. Have you ever imagined why Lord Parashurama regardless of being a Brahmin grew to become out to be fierce? In reality, it was his father Jamadagni who was about to be born as an angry Kshatriya, not Lord Parashurama. After the great Mahabharata war, on the way to meet Bhishma Pitamaha, while seeing the five sacred lakes of Ramahrada on Kurukshetra, which was filled with the blood of annihilated Kshatriyas by way of Lord Parashurama and additionally, by which he had done Tarpan for his Pitras earlier, Lord Krishna then referred to Yudhisthira approximately the birth of Lord Parashurama and his glory. let us understand the facts behind his birth in brief.

A long term ago there was a king named Balakashva; son of King Aja (King Aja was the son of King Jahnu of the Amavasu dynasty). King Balakashva had a son named Kushika. He turned into powerful much like Deity king Indra. He later did penance to have an amazing son who would later emerge as unconquerable at the same time as ruling the three Lokas. After seeing his high-quality efforts Indra himself was born as his son and named Gaadhi. He left his capital and went to the forest. All through his life there, he had a stunning daughter named Satyavati whom he later married off to sage Ruchik; son of extraordinary Bhrigu. 

(As per the Akritavarna; splendid disciple of Lord Parashurama, in the course of the pilgrimage of Pandavas to Mahendra Mountain in Vana Parva, King Gaadhi mentioned to sage Ruchik about their culture of taking a fee in return of giving daughter's hand for which he had asked 1000 fast horses whose skin would be a blend of white and yellow coloured and one ear would be black. Sage promised to give the same near king, went to Varuna dev, and requested him to provide him with the preferred horses. Deity Varuna fulfilled his want. That vicinity where hundreds of horses appeared with the aid of the grace of Varuna was named Ashvatirtha. Sage after giving the ones horses to king Gaadhi, became then married to Satyavati in the Kanyakubja city near Ganga riverside. )

Satyavati was courteous and loyal to her husband. Consequently, Ruchik wished to bless his wife as well as King Gaadhi’ spouse (mother-in-law) with sons respectively. Thus sage prepared milk boiled rice or Charu: one established with Brahma for his spouse and one with Kshatriya energy and courage for Satyavati’s mother. Ruchik then offered them food and advised his spouse Satyavati, “You consume this Charu and give the other one to your mother. The son be born to your mother will turn out to be a mind-blowing Kshatriya warrior: a Kshatriya Shiromani, triumph over all Kshatriyas and slay lots of them. The food organized for you will bless you with a Brahmin son who would be patient, calm, and full of asceticism.” After announcing that, Ruchik left for the wooded area for meditation.

All through that point, King Gaadhi along with his spouse whilst being on his pilgrimage reached the hermitage of his son-in-law. His daughter then gladly took the Charu prepared by way of his husband and defined it to her mother. Satyavati’s mother unknowingly interchanged her Charu with her daughter's. Consequently, Satyavati became pregnant with a fierce Kshatriya slaying son. After seeing the scary womb of his spouse, Sage Ruchik could understand that his mother-in-law had tricked Satyavati. He told to his spouse that, “Your mother has tricked you with the Charu. Your son will emerge as aggressive and do pitiless karmas. However, your brother will become much like a Brahmin and maintain his thoughts in penance. For the reason, those Charus had been alternated now your mother will give birth to a Brahmin son while you a Kshatriya.”

Satyavati fell at the feet of her husband and asked him now not to permit her to have a son in opposition to a Brahmin religion. Ruchik responded to her that he by no means intended her to give birth to a cruel Kshatriya toddler however it would happen due to the exchange of Charu. Satyavati then requested him that, “Sage! you're able to create the complete world together with your asceticism then what is the problem of getting a toddler as in keeping with your desire! Please bless me with an ingenious toddler.” Ruchik responded, “I've constantly been honest. Then how can the spell that I used in the front of the holy fire for the Charu be false? From my ascetic power, I understood that your father's complete descendants would grow to be Brahmins.”

Then Satyavati instructed him that, “ you're a spiritual Brahmin. Our grandson may come out to be angry however our son should be saintly.” After listening to his spouse, Ruchik agreed to her as he did not distinguish between his future son and his grandson. As a consequence, Satyavati gave birth to holy sage Jamadagni and on the other side, her mother gave birth to sage Vishvamitra; one of the Seven great sages who later accomplished Brahmanatva. From Jamadagni and his wife Renuka, a furious and stunning toddler was born. He was no apart from the magnificent Lord Parashurama. 

Ref: Mahabharata book Shanti Parva