Kashyapa asked Parashurama to leave his kingdom and crowned the remaining Kshatriyas as the kings

The wonderful Lord Parashurama; the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and one of the Cheeranjivis or Immortals after performing Ashvamedha yajna donated the complete earth to exceptional Sage Kashyapa Once. Sage then requested Lord to leave his country. Let us recognize why did sage ask Parashurama to leave and how did he then manage the entire earth? After the great Mahabharata war, Lord Krishna had referred to this to Yudhisthira.

Lord Parashurama; son of religious Jamadagni had thrilled Lord Shiva on Gandhamardhan mountain and acquired Kurhara or ax weapon from him. After the fool sons of Kartavirya Arjuna; the king of Heheya kingdom stole calf from Jamadagni’s hermitage, Lord Parashurama cut off Arjuna’s thousands of hands and killed him in a big fight. all the sons of Arjuna as a way to avenge the demise of their father killed Jamadagni with Valla weapon in the absence of Lord Parashuram at his Ashram. Enraged Parashurama then took an oath of ending the Kshatriya dynasty from the earth. He slew all of the sons and grandsons of Kartavirya after which killed thousands of Kshatriyas inside the Heheya kingdom along with his weapon. Soon he finished entire Kshatriyas from the complete earth and out of compassion he went to the woodland.

Thousands of years exceeded. One day Paravasu; the grandson of Vishvamitra (son of Raibhya) criticized Lord Parashurama in front of everyone that, “Rama! at the time King Yayati fell from heaven, noble guys like Pratardana joined the yajna, was now not he a Kshatriya? Your oath is a lie. You only make a display of slaying complete Kshatriyas. I experience as if you have taken shelter within the mountains out of having fear from the brave Kshatriyas simplest. Now the earth is once more filled with thousands of those warriors.”

After paying attention to this, Lord Parashurama once again took his weapon and slew the ones Kshatriyas who had been in some way left alive earlier and had turned out to be the kings on the earth that time. Lord even killed small infants simply once they were born to their mother. Just a few Kshatrani could keep their toddler from Lord Parashurama. Likewise, he made the earth Kshatriyaless twenty-one times, then did Ashvamedha Yajna and donated the entire earth to Sage Kashyapa. Sage even as preserving Sruk in his hand with an intention to save a few of the Kshatriyas on the earth, cautioned Lord to depart his country and go to the southside of the ocean. Ocean then vacated the area for Lord Parashurama and created a kingdom which was named Shurparaka or Aparanta bhumi. Lord went to that location then.

Sage Kashyapa gave the earth to all the Brahmins and left for the forest. After that Vaishyas and Shudras began offending the wives of Dvijs. Chaos occurred everywhere. No Brahmins could maintain with their lordship. all the individuals hurt weak human beings and misbehaved with them. Due to the fact the earth was now not dominated via any Kshatriya kings systematically those days, it began to enter the Rasatal. however, Kashyapa stopped the earth through his ‘Uru’ for which it is regarded as ‘Urvi’. Pleased Prithvi or earth goddess then asked Sage Kashyapa to allow some kings to rule on this planet.

Prithvi stated, “I have hidden many Khsyatriya Siromanis inside Khsyatranis in Heheya state who can manage me. Besides, Viduratha king of Puru dynasty is alive and grown-up by the manner of Richas on the Rikshavan Mountain. courageous Parashara has saved the life of the son of Soudasa out of mercy. That prince regardless of being the Dvija, does all the works just like a Shudra for which, regarded as ‘Sarvakarma’. He may additionally defend me as a king. King Shibi’s son Gopati escaped who is brought up by way of a herd of cows. As in line with your permission, he may also shield me. Pratardana’s son Vatsa who was named after being brought up with the aid of Calves may additionally rescue me like a king. The grandson of Dadhivahana and son of Diviratha is saved with the aid of the way of sage Gautama close to Ganga Riverside. fantastic Brihadratha who was saved by way of baboons on the Griddhakut Mountain is full of prosperity. Few Kshatriyas much like Indra from the King Marutta’s dynasty additionally escaped who have been rescued through manner of the ocean. These Kshatriya boys now have taken shelter underneath the caste of Sonar and different mechanics. If they manage me then I can in reality stay steady. Their ancestors were involuntarily slain by way of Lord Parashurama earlier for me. I ought to now pay off those kings with the aid of welcoming their descendants. I do not desire to live protected by means of sinful Kshatriyas however through the saintly ones only. Therefore kindly make some arrangements.” Sage Kashyapa then invited all those individuals and crowned them as the kings at the appropriate kingdoms.

Ref: Mahabharata book Shanti Parva