Lord Shiva Creates Jvara From His Sweat & It Kills Vritra

After Yudhisthira was crowned as King of Hastinapur, Lord Krishna freed amazing Bhishma from all of his sufferings before his death and asked him to alleviate Yudhisthira from mourning over the lifeless Kshatriyas by the way of advising him on Dharma. Yudhishthira asked his Pitamaha that, he had said that Vritrasura was fascinated by Jvara (fever), in that very state Indra killed him with his thunderbolt, How and from where did this Jvara originate? Bhishma replied, In ancient times, there was a famous peak of Mount Sumeru named Jyotishka, which was called Savitra because of its connection with Savita (Sun) God. It was adorned with all kinds of gems, incomparable, inaccessible to all the worlds and worshipped by all the three worlds. Mahadevji adorned with golden metal, along with the beautiful goddess Parvati on his left side sat on the peak of that mountain every day. Similarly, there were many Mahamanasvi deities, Tejasvi Vasugana, the best among physicians, Mahamana Ashwini Kumar, Shankhanidhi, Padmanidhi and Uttam Riddhi along with the Yakshapatis of Kailash, King Kubera and the great sage Shukracharya, Sanatkumar etc. Maharishi, Angira etc. and other Devarshis, Vishwavasu Gandharva, Narada, Parvat and many Apsaras used to come to that mountain to worship him. Siddha and Vidyadhar, who were rich in penance, were always ready to worship Mahadeva there. Ghosts taking up many forms, great monsters, Mahabali and vampires assuming many forms, who were the followers of Mahadevji, used to stand there filled with joy and carrying different types of weapons. All of them were as bright as fire. By the order of Mahadevji, Lord Nandi used to stand there resplendent with his splendour and with a burning prong in his hand.

The great Gangaji, who appeared with the waters of all the Tithis, used to worship Mahadevji in divine form there. In this way, the mighty Lord Mahadev was always present there, being worshipped by the gods and goddesses. After some time, Prajapati Daksh decided to perform a Yagya. Preparations started, and all the gods like Indra decided to go to Daksh's yagya, they went there on their vimana after taking Mahadevji's permission and reached Gangadwar (Haridwar).

Seeing the deities being established, Devi Uma asked her husband Mahadevji - 'Lord! Where are these gods like Indra going? Maheshwar said – Mahabhagee! The great Prajapati Daksh is performing the Ashwamedha Yagya; All these gods are going there. Uma said – Mahadev! Why are you not attending this yagya? Due to which restriction you are not able to go there? Maheshwar said the Gods themselves had decided this earlier. He did not assign a part for me in any of the yagyas. According to the predetermined rule, from the point of view of religion, the gods do not offer me a part in the yagyas. 

Uma said – Lord! You are the most influential, virtuous, invincible, invisible, brilliant, famous and blessed among all living beings. I am very saddened by the fact that you have been prohibited from giving a share. My whole body is trembling due to this insult.

Saying this to her husband Lord Pashupati, Devi became silent, but her heart was burning with grief. Knowing what was in Parvati Devi's mind and what she wanted to do, Mahadevji ordered Nandi to stand there. Thereafter, taking the help of the power of Yoga, Shiva suddenly destroyed Yagya with the help of his dreadful servants. Some of Shiva's followers started making loud lion noises, some started laughing and others started showering blood on the sacrificial fire to extinguish it.

From that fire a new man was born, whose eyes were also very red, hair of his beard and moustache were brown, He looked scary, his hair was raised upwards, and his body parts were beyond hairy like those of a hawk and an owl, The colour of the body was black and monstrous, his body was red. that man started wandering everywhere and ran towards the gods and sages, seeing him all the gods got scared and ran away in ten directions,  The earth began to tremble violently due to the sound of that man's feet.

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At that time there was an outcry in the whole world. Seeing all this, Lord Brahma showed the plight of the world to Mahadevji and said to him, Lord! Now you calm down your increased anger. From today onwards all the gods will give you a share in the Yagya. Mahadev, the one who torments the enemies! All these gods and sages are fed up with your anger and there is no peace. 

This man that has appeared from your sweat will be called Jvara or fever. It will roam in all the worlds. As long as this Jvara of yours remains in one form, this entire earth will not be able to hold it. Therefore, divide it into many forms. Shiva felt very happy at that time and started smiling. As Brahmaji had said, he took part in the Yagya.

At that time, for the peace of all living beings, Shiva divided the Jvara into many forms. Jvar is the heat or pain in the head of elephants, the Shilajit on Mountains, the water for the servants, the slough of snakes, The disease called Khorak that occurs in the hooves of cows and oxen. The Jvara for the earth is in the form of oozing, for the animals is the obstruction in the vision power, for the horses is the lump of flesh that grows in his neck hole, for the peacocks the crest coming out and for Cuckoo's the eye disease. Likewise, Jvara is the cholelithiasis in all sheep, hiccups in all parrots & tiredness in the lion. But among humans Jvara is very painful, it occurs at the time of death, at the time of birth and also in between. It enters the body of human beings, this all-powerful Maheshwar fever is worshipable and respectable for all living beings. 

it entered the body of Vritrasura, Suffering from that Jvara, when he started yawning, at that very moment Indra struck him with his thunderbolt. The thunderbolt entered his body and tore it apart. The great yogi and the great demon Britra, disintegrated by the thunderbolt, went to the supreme abode of the Lord Vishnu. Due to the influence of devotion to Lord Vishnu, he entered the entire world with his huge body. Therefore, after being killed in the war, he attained Vishnudham.

Ref: Mahabharata Book Shanti Parva