Sankha asks his younger brother to bear the punishment from King Sudyumna for stealing 

Here in this put-up, I will share how did King Sudyumna attain Siddhi by the manner of Dandadharana. Dandadharana or punishment is regarded as one of the extremely good Dharmas of a King. By way of using force, a Kshatriya king usually turns into powerful. Deity Guru Brihaspati had once referred to that, Like a snake swallows a mouse living in his snakepit, clearly the king who would not withstand and a Brahmin who would not be going out of the city, consequently, both get engulfed by the earth. After the remarkable Mahabharata war, at the time whilst Yudhishthira decided to depart his obligation of being the king of Hastinapur and accept the lifestyle of an Ascetic, Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa elaborated the significance of the Dandadharana religion while giving the instance of King Sudyumna who carried out remarkable Siddhi similar to the Prachethasa's son Daksha thru Punishing a sage named Likhita. Vyasa asked Yudhishthira to observe the duty of the king towards ruling his people and now not to head on the wrong way at the same time as neglecting these. let's understand about it in short.

A long time ago, there used to be two sage brothers names Sankha and Likhita. They both practised dazzling asceticism and stayed in different lovely ashrams at the bank of river Bahuda. Someday Likhita went to the hermitage of his elder brother Sankha. That time Sankha was not there. Likhita noticed many ripe fruits on a tree there and he started ingesting a lot of those with relaxation after plucking from that tree. At that moment while Likhita was consuming those fruits, Sankha approached his ashram and noticed him. Sankha asked his brother that, "From where did you get these fruits, and why you are consuming these?" Likhita responded to him that, "Brother! I got the fruits from here simplest. "

Enraged Sankha then informed him that he had accomplished stealing while taking those fruits without his brother's permission. furthermore, he mentioned to Likhita that he must now go to the king and explain to him that, "King! I have taken these fruits without these are given to me, therefore, you punish me for stealing and act as in keeping with your religion. You need to punish me in a way that is intended for a thief." After hearing this from his brother, Likhita went to the saintly king Sudyumna.

At the time while King Sudyumna heard the sage drawing close in his kingdom, out of hospitality he alongside a number of his ministers went to him on his foot and requested for the reason behind his coming. King wished to fulfil all his desires. Likhita asked the king to first vow that he would do it then listen to the purpose of the sage. Subsequent, he elaborated approximately his stealing to the king and asked him for punishment.

King then told to him that, "Brahmin! in case you accept as true with chastising to be justified for a king then please permit me to excuse and also let you go. I ought to have that rights too. You are a holy Ascetic therefore I forgive you for this. Besides, if you have some other wishes do allow me to know." Likhita denied such. Regardless of King's continued request for giving forgiveness, the sage asked for the punishment simplest as a boon from the king. King then ordered for cutting off the sage's hands. The sage was punished accordingly.

After that Likhita returned to his brother and told him that, "Brother! I have been punished. Please forgive an idiot like me for my sin." Sankha responded to him that, "Dharmagya! I'm no longer indignant with you. Our clan is the purest in the entire universe. You committed a sin for which you atoned. Now at once you go to the Bahuda river and do the Tarpana (libation) to the deities, sages, and Pitras. From now by no means do unrighteous acts in future." Likhita then as in keeping with his brother's endorse went to the river and attempted to do the Tarpana there. Within that very moment, lovely lotus-like hands appeared on him. He was surprised to have hands like earlier. He showed them to his brother. Sankha told him that he needed to not have questions about it because it passed off due to the Ascetic energy of his elder brother only.

Likhita then asked his brother why didn't he purified him earlier together with his asceticism. Sankha spoke back, "Brother! I may undoubtedly want to have finished it in advance. However I don't have the right to punish you. By the manner of the Dandadharana act, King Sudyumna has now become holy along with his ancestors, and additionally, you've got ended up pure by way of accepting it too. "

Ref: Mahabharata book

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