Kalakavrikshiya advises Kekeya King regarding his near people

After Yudhisthira was crowned as King of Hastinapur, Lord Krishna freed outstanding Bhishma from all of his sufferings prior to his death and asked him to alleviate Yudhisthira from mourning over the dead Kshatriyas by way of advising him on Dharma. Bhishma Pitamaha defined to Yudhisthira the obligation of a King toward the person who usually increases his king’s wealth and informs him concerning the minister or every other character seeking to steal the wealth or spoil the kingdom Treasury and If he isn't defended by means of the king, That wise man is killed forever. To explain more about it Bhishma gave an example of Kalakavrikshiya sage who once preached to King Kshemadarshi. Let us know about it in short.

When King Kshemadarshi was the ruler of Kosala, was seated on the throne, in those days Kalakavrikshiya Muni came to that kingdom. With an aim to realize the facts of the complete country, he tied a crow in a cage, took it with him, and repeatedly travelled across the country with caution. While roaming around, he used to say to the people, “gentlemen! You, people, learn Vayesi vidya (the art of understanding crow's language) from me. I've learned it. So crows tell me the past, future all that is present at the moment.”

Having said this, he alongside many people in that nation Walked around everywhere. He saw with his own eyes the misdeeds of many employees engaged in all the work of the kingdom. Knowing all of the occupations of that country and all of the abduction of the king's property by way of his employees via finding out approximately the incidents, the omniscient Maharishi took the crow with him and came to meet the king. Be present close to the Kosala King at the same time as referring to the crow's assertion he said to the sitting minister that, “you have stolen a certain amount of the king's wealth at such a place. Such and such persons know this, who are the witnesses of it. This crow of ours says that 'you have kidnapped the kingdom fund. So you accept this crime of yours.” Further, he said to other employees additionally who steal from the king's treasury that, “you've committed theft. Anything said via this crow, anytime and anywhere has in no way been false. Hence all who were despised by the monk, the royal servants during the night killed the crow with an arrow at the same time as the sage was napping. Seeing his crow being pierced with an arrow in his cage in the morning the brahmin said to King that, “King! you're the lord of life and wealth of the people. I beg you for my protection. I wish you well.

You're my friend. I've come here at the same time as having a devotion for you in all my heart to uphold your privilege in my mind. I am very unhappy to see your loss that is being carried out. 'As a charioteer signals an excellent horse, so If a friend has come to explain to a friend, who's very unhappy seeing the loss and cannot bear it due to being able to stubbornly protect the wealth of his dear king. King! Your money is being taken away. So One should listen to his beneficial and wise friend who usually desires for his friend’s progress and his crimes should be forgiven.”

Then the king replied to the monk, “Brahmin! whatever you want to mention. Inform me fearlessly. Why will I not pardon you for desiring suitable for me? Whatever you want Say it. I promise that I will follow.”

The sage said, “Which of your employees is the wrongdoer and harmless? After finding them out and all the fears that would come upon you from your servants I got here to inform you. As consistent with Acharyas of Nitishastras, It has already been described that those who serve the king are his royal servants, for them this sinful life is a vigorous action. The sinful servants are just like toxic snakes. At the same time as the king has many friends, he has many enemies too. It's miles not possible, That there's no delight for individuals who live with the king, however, he who wants his very own good no longer deliberately take the same in any way. If an offence is committed because of carelessness through the servant If it becomes, then the king gets angry through forgetting the earlier favours. He begins hating him but while the king exceeds his dignity If corrupted, then there is no hope of life for that servant. As a person consciously approaches a burning hearth, further, educated men ought to stay cautious with the king.

When the king is angry If it happens, it becomes as fierce as a poisonous snake. So One must accept as true that 'i am not alive' i.e. continually serve the king at the same time as ignoring his own life. Let no terrible thing pop out of the mouth, no bad deeds are committed, and be alert not to be impolite even as standing, sitting, walking, indicating, etc. If the king is pleased, he turns into like a deity who fulfils all dreams and if he becomes angry So like a burning hearth, burn it with the root puts. Whatever Yamraj has said, it is simply as intact. But again and again, I will do the means to serve you. A minister like me helps in times of catastrophe via intelligence. My crow additionally was there to aid in this work but was killed. Maybe I will face the same destiny too. For this I do not condemn you and your near people inside the country, All I wsh to say is that you should understand your advantages and downsides. You spot your works along with your own eyes and don’t believe others. The people who are robbing your treasure, live in your country but they are no longer interested in the welfare of human beings. Those have already started out maintaining enmity with me.

King! those who need to destroy you and to take the state in their hands, that act of his can be Succeeded simplest by way of conspiring with the inner servants it is possible; not otherwise so you be careful. I will go to some other ashram in fear of these opponents. He looked for an arrow for me but it was shot at my crow. I did no longer come here with any desire, even then the conspirators killed my crow and sent it to Yamaloka. Via penance, I've seen all this with my farsighted eyes. This politics is like a river. Humans of this state are like Magar, Matsya Timingala-groups, and Grahas in this. Somehow I crossed this river with the poor crow. This kingdom of yours is blanketed with deep darkness and is full of sorrow. You do not even trust in this nation; How am I able to do then? So there's no advantage to staying here. The best and the horrific are all equal here. Any good guy can also be killed, there is no doubt about it. The point of justice is that only those who do evil must be killed. Those who commit right deeds in any way There should be no suffering, however, it does no longer occur here; so this is not appropriate for anyone to reside in the state stably. The learned guy must move away from here very soon.

Rajan! there's a river well-known by the name Sita, wherein the boat additionally drowns, so is the politics right here (in this there is a danger of drowning of assistants like me). You're on that high branch of a honeycomb tree, from where there may be only the worry of falling. You and poison food are equal, your feelings are much like outsiders, no longer the same as the generous ones. You're like a well surrounded by a poisonous fountain, Your situation is like a river of sweet water whose ghat is tough to attain, each of which The shores are very high and The walls are everywhere. Like a flamingo surrounded by dogs, vultures, and jackals you're surrounded by means of evil employees in the same manner. Like a massive group of vines sheltering a great tree Grows with it, then slowly wraps that tree and would spread even higher, then dries up and becomes a terrible fuel, then Davanal or wildfire burns the huge tree with the help of the same fuel. Your ministers also are the same dry have emerged as like vines, that is, elevated via your very own shelter and are causing your destruction. So you end this. you made the minister and those whom you followed, now they cheated on you and want to spoil your benefits. I wished to know the modesty of the employees of the king of this state, so continually stayed alert right here. Is the king of this country victorious? Are his servants dwelling below his manage? Do people here keep the love for their king? And does the king also love his people? With the desire to know all these things, I came right here just as the hungry like meals, so to see you; however, just like the way Water does no longer taste good when not thirsty in the same manner your ministers aren't preferred by me. I am going to do your good, this is what these ministers have determined a great fault in me and this is why they've kept hatred toward me. Other than this, nobody else is the reason for their anger. I do not doubt the veracity of my statement. even though I do not rebel in opposition to these humans, yet those people have got fault-sightedness towards me. This is why I do not want to stay right here anymore.”

The king stated, “whilst coping with the disaster, I give you great respect. You're honoured by way of me, stay in my palace for a long time. Brahman! who don't want to let you live with me Now they will now not be able to live in my house by themselves. You do the necessary obligation to suppress the wrongdoers. Recommend me the right direction to carry on with my duty of Rajadanda and correct work.”

Muni said, “King! first to kill the crow is a crime, without revealing it, every minister has to be punished for it. Take away the rights and make them weak. Then After ascertaining the cause, kill each individual. While many people have the same kind of blame is applied, they all emerge as one together and in that case, they crush even the big thorns, so This private concept ought to not be discovered to others, for this fear advise you to kill the opponents one by one. Brahmins like us are kind by nature. We need the best for you and others too. Now let me introduce myself to you. I am your relative My name is Kalakavrikshiya Muni I am a reputable and truthful friend of your father. Whilst your father passed away there was a great disaster in your state, I started out doing penance for your benefit. Out of having affection in the direction of you, I have come right here and am telling you all these things because I'm hoping you don't fall into the trap of anybody again. King! you have seen both happiness and sorrow. This kingdom has been given to you by God's grace, Why are you making a mistake with the aid of leaving it only on the ministers?”King agreed.

There was rejoicing in the royal circle of relatives at the return of sage and The celebration began inside the kingdom. The sage Kalakavrikshiya,  with the power of his intellect, by making the Kosala king Ekachatra Samrat (the sole emperor of the earth), carried out many excellent Yajna and also said the beneficial words. King did as he said and Conquered all the earth.

Ref: Mahabharata book Shanti Parva